Windows 7 Home Premium Family Pack


Junior Member
Dec 11, 2009
I am planning to move to Windows 7 from Windows Vista and have been looking at the various versions of this new OS and their prices both Canadian and US. Since I have a small home wired network ( two PC’s and one Laptop ), the Windows 7 Home Premium Family Pack ( a licence for 3 PC’s) appears to be the best deal for me. With this Pack, I could upgrade my three computers to Windows 7 for much less than buying three individual Home Premium upgrade copies. At Future Shop or Staples, three copies of the regular Home Premium Upgrade would cost me $390 + taxes whereas I can get the Family Pack for $200 + taxes a saving of nearly $200.

The bad thing about choosing this Family Pack is that all of the local stores and the Internet dealers I have checked are out of stock and none of them seem to be able to tell me when new stock will arrive.

As for the difference in Canadian and US prices for Win 7, below is a comparison of prices at Best Buy stores in Canada and the US. Note that there is only a $10 difference in prices for the regular Home Premium upgrade but for the Family Pack, that difference is $50.

Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade $130 CAN - $120 US
Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade Family Pack $200 CAN - $150 US

Another difference that caught my eye is that in Canada, the Family Pack is advertised in a green package similar to the regular Home Premium Upgrade ( but marked Family Pack) but in the USA it is advertised in a brown package.

Because I just bought new hardware, I am also entitled to buy the OEM Version of Win 7 Home Premium from the same store for $123 CAN. I would not be entitled to the regular support from Microsoft with this version but with Windows Help and Support and the various Win 7 Forums,I can do without direct support from Microsoft. I have had all versions of Windows since 3.x and I don’t recall ever having had to fall back on Microsoft support. Since this OEM is a full version, if anything goes wrong, I would never have to reinstall my old Win Vista before reinstalling Win 7. The disadvantage with this OEM version over the Family Pack is that it can only be installed on one PC and I cannot buy more than one copy unless I buy more hardware. I could however use this OEM Win 7 copy on my main computer and continue using my Win Vista and my Win XP on my other two PC’s.

This brings me to my questions if anyone cares to read this and answer or comment:

1 - What is the status ot the Win 7 Family Pack. Has it been discontinued for good or will the stock be replenished and when

2 - Any comment on the $50 difference in the CAN and US prices for the Family Pack. The difference is only $10 for the regular Home Premium Upgrade

3- Does the fact that the the Family Pack is advertised in a different colour package in US and Canada mean anything ? Is the software inside the box exactly the same on both sides of the border?

4 - Disregarding prices and should the Family Pack be no longer available, I would tend to choose the OEM over the regular Home Premium Upgrade. Would I be making the right choice
Microsoft discontinued the family pack a week or so ago. They might bring it back later in the year.

I don't know why it's $50 more in Canada unless Microsoft pays some extra duties or taxes on each sale in Canada.

I would choose OEM. It's a full version of the software and not an upgrade. The only problem with OEM is it can only be used on the box it is first installed on. Other than that there is no distinct difference.