Windows 7 freezes Event viewer codes 41, 6008, 1002

  • Thread starter Thread starter ShannonOberlin
  • Start date Start date


Hello all,

Let me start with a few things, I have already researched these codes and know that they are not giving me the answer I'm looking for to solve the mystery of my randomly freezing computer.

I have read several threads on this site as well as on bleepingcomputer (first assumption was a virus, it is not), tomshwardare (second assumpution it's my harddrives. I bought hardrives and bought a new Windows 7, it still freezes just as randomly as ever), pcworld, etc. and no one seems to have figured this out. Alot of threads just stop, like the person gave up and bought a new computer or something, but I am stubborn. I have been fighting this for almost a year now and I'm finally ready to post my own thread.

I will probably be scattered all over the place while I'm putting this all in, I apologize in advance for that.

First off, my basic computer specs:

Alienware Aurora (oldie I know)

Processor Intel Core i7 CPU *** Email address is removed for privacy *** GHz 2.67GHz

RAM: 9.00 GB

64-bit operating sytem

I just bought and installed my new Windows 7 on March 20, it crashed half a dozen times that day, even after I reinstalled all my updates.

I used MalwareBytes on my old harddrives and Avast on my new ones: still crashes.

So under this brand new computer (NVIDIA graphics card also reupdated), all I have are Avast and two online games. It crashes when I play, when I don't play, if I get up and walk away for 20 minutes, during the day when it's warm, during the night, when it's not. I've cleaned the fans, run diagnostics, ran microsoft fix at least 7 times (once or more per day) it finds nothing, F8 to run diagnostics, no errors, dell diagnostics, quick all the way down to complete, it says everything's great. I even tried to patch it with a fix on Microsoft that was recommended by pc world, Windows6.1-KB2265716-x64, it wouldn't even run.

So I start digging into the event finder, because every microsoft thread I read about them said to look deeper and I find this process Id under my 1101 event Execution ProcessID="348", so I research that and I find this extremely computerific blog that says that when you see this process id

"That is almost certainly the cause. Apparently, the two inserting
processes block each other - one is waiting for the other to release a
lock, but the other first has to wait for a lock held by the first
process. SQL Server detects such deadlock situations (where both will
wait indefinitely), and kill one of the two processes."

And I say to myself if two processes block each other, wouldn't that cause the computer to freeze? So finally here I am, looking to you wonderful computer gurus to help out a computer illiterate analyst figure out what processes could possibly be crashing into each other to freeze up my baby. Otherwise I may move on to replacing my graphics card and/or motherboard to see if that stops the problem.

Please let me know what all information I can provide you to make this as smooth as possible. I have dump logs too if you would like them, 3 so far in a week, not sure if that's good or bad.

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