Windows 2000 Server IIS Server Problem


Active Member
Dec 18, 2003
Ohio, USA

Ok, after my server has been running for a few days or so, and I open up IIS and I try to open the Properties window of one of my sites the window won't show. But then when I go to close IIS it won't close properly becouse it says a window is still open but it isn't. I can fix this by rebooting but I'm really getting sick of doing that.

Has anybody had this happen, any possible solutions or reasons this is occuring ?

Thanks for any responses regarding this
Do you have the latest version of IIS and W2K service pack?

I had a similar issue like this with the Event Logger. I would right-click to view an item in the event log, and nothing would happen...and the Event Log App wouldn't close because it said close the other windows first!!! It just kind of went away though.
Hmm ok

Yes I'm up to date with all of the service packs and so on. Did it go away after you did an update or just went away ?

Chris00 said:
Hmm ok

Yes I'm up to date with all of the service packs and so on. Did it go away after you did an update or just went away ?


It just went away after a reboot. I don't use the machine any more as it was a client's machine.
hmm ok

Thanks for replying

I just hate to reboot my server becouse it is a bit old and some times it takes a few minutes to boot up totaly. Plus I'm running an IRC server and I don't want to be constantly be taking it down to reboot.

Anybody else have any ideas why this is happening and how I can permanently fix it