Windows 10 Installs Automatically On Windows 7 And Windows 8

allheart55 (Cindy E)

Jul 12, 2014
Levittown, Pennsylvania
Fears about software incompatibilities and performance (though early tests suggest it is every bit as quick as Windows 7) will always alienate a proportion of users. Others simply do not like change, but arguably such groups were never going to upgrade no matter what Microsoft did.

For everyone else, moving to Windows 10 becomes a no brainer – a free upgrade with seamless install experience. The size of this market? According to the latest figures Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 account for nearly 70% of all PCs in the world (including Apple Mac and Linux).


Windows 10 on laptop and smartphone – image credit Microsoft

Read more – Microsoft Attacks Microsoft: Why Windows 10 Gets It Right

Combine this with the fact that Windows 10 will also be sold by default on every new Windows PC and laptop and Microsoft is set to experience unprecedented upgrade levels when Windows 10 is released around Q3.

In fact wider adoption could start sooner. Microsoft has also confirmed all Technical Previews of Windows 10 will automatically upgrade to the full consumer release version without any loss of data.

Do note that during its beta period Windows 10 comes with major privacy considerations, but Microsoft has already confirmed over one million Technical Preview users. A number that looks set to skyrocket.

The comeback is beginning to look irresistible.