window remains after closing and slowly fades

  • Thread starter Thread starter flyingsyngull
  • Start date Start date


When I close a window , such as a game, the page stays in place and slowly fades from top to bottom, when it does all my icons do the same. Tool bar is not affected by this. The icons fade if I close IE8 as well. Been happening on and off for about 3 months. I have an XP Pro 32bit, dual processor, high speed DSL, Dell Pentium D machine. Also a window opens behind the game page as it closes with message: "The web page you are viewing is trying to close do you want to close?", this just stared showing up last week. I have defragged, cleaned, run both MS virus scan and Spyware scan/ removal tool, ran all the Fix-It programs I could..nothing works so far.

After so many years of a reliable XP, with no issues, the last couple months have been issue after issue. I have 8.1 and 7 on my other computers and want this one to run older games, that will not work on 7.

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