Win XP and AOL 9


Active Member
Feb 28, 2004
I have WinXP and AOL 9. I took the free 3 months of service now when I tried to get local ISP it will dial but times out. It connects fine to AOL. Had Norton Fire Wall but did uninstall this and all of Nortons stuff and made sure my firewall for XP was disabled and still not connecting to local ISP but able to connect to AOL. Uninstalled AOL and still unable to connect. Are the adapters for AOL somehow interferring?? Where do you find them? Can't find AOL dialer??? help me please.
Appreciate it.
The AOL adapter isn't interfering. You have to create a new dial up connection.
If you created the new connection and still can't dial in then you might have to remove the AOL stuff.
To do that open network connections and remove it from there.
Bob Schwarz Sr said:
The AOL adapter isn't interfering. You have to create a new dial up connection.
If you created the new connection and still can't dial in then you might have to remove the AOL stuff.
To do that open network connections and remove it from there.
It wasn't in Network connections. It doesn't show a dialer for AOL at all but dials up ok to AOL. When create new dialer in Network connections it still doesn't work......... Do I take the tcp/ip off computer then reinstall it thru Add/Remove Programs Installed components?? I am asking for a friend still getting use to XP and I don't have AOL and my XP works fine...... I think I am going to play with AOL9 and my XP when I get a few days off to see if maybe they have something I didn't see. sorry If I am a bother.
No bother at all. That's what the forum is for.
I installed AOL after I saw your post. I have a connection for AOL in my Network Connections folder.
I use DSL so this connection binds to the network adapter and shows as disabled until I connect with AOL 9.
I wanted to see the properties of this connection. For some reason when I right click and click properties it doesn't bring up connection proerties like my other 2 network connections do.

You might want to uninstall AOL and then reinstall.
Bob Schwarz Sr said:
No bother at all. That's what the forum is for.
I installed AOL after I saw your post. I have a connection for AOL in my Network Connections folder.
I use DSL so this connection binds to the network adapter and shows as disabled until I connect with AOL 9.
I wanted to see the properties of this connection. For some reason when I right click and click properties it doesn't bring up connection proerties like my other 2 network connections do.

You might want to uninstall AOL and then reinstall.
Did that already..
Didn't help then right?
I know that AOL will set itself up as default connection if no other connection is found. It really takes over and makes it next to impossible to remove the adapter.
You might want uninstall tcp/ip and AOL. This should remove all the bindings that AOL leaves behind. Then install the other connection first followed by AOL.
During AOL install there is a way to make sure AOL doesn't set itself up as default connection. Keep an eye out for that option.
Did the uninstall and found that the simple tcp/ip wasn't checked in add/remove components. Also took aol off and just have the AIM on now. Took everything out of networking and then put in the simple tcp/ip restarted computer and still not connecting .. grrrrrr......
tried lowing speed because it makes the handshake then dies. But if I load Aol back on it connects just fine. Been in and out of add/remove programs going to call manufacturer (its still under warranty and only 2 months old) See if they have any bright ideas. Might just start over.... Let ya know how it goes, if you have any other ideas please let me know.
thanks this one has me boggled.