Win 7 32 bit to 64 bit Networking Nightmare


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2010

1) I have been networking Windows computers since Win 3.11, so I know a little something about setting Static IP, SM and DG's
2) Now with Win 7 32 bit which I set up first, networking to the Xerox MFP printer and the internet was brain-dead easy
3) Then I install Win 7 64 bit on a new Quad-Core
4) No network setup possible and of course no internet access on the 64 bit
5) Read Riso's well-written post entitled "Resolving Common Networking Issues" (Resolving Common Networking Issues) and did everything meticulously - even modified the Registry, something that I do quite often and Without Fear:cool:
6) So then I decided to eliminate the only variable (my Netgear hub) and connected the Comcast Internet modem directly to the 64 bit - Still No Internet Access!!
7) Powered down both computers and went to bed (That sometimes helps.)
8. The next day I reconnected both the 32 bit and the 64 bit to the Netgear hub and the Comcast modem to the hub as well
9) Believe this!!! NOW there was internet access on the 64 bit, though no network access to the 32 bit, and NOW no internet access on the 32 bit which had always had it
10) Yes, I know what caused this, so I don't need a lecture on IP addresses, DHCP, etc.
11) Oh, yes, I tried disabling the IPv6 and only using the traditional IPv4 - No Luck + I believe Windows told me I needed the IPv6 as well
12) No ability to setup a Homegroup (Homie don't play dat!) nor a Workgroup w/out network access of course

Question: Do I need to disable DHCP and give each computer a Static IP address? More Broadly: How the devil do I set up a network now that MS has made things easy?:(

A Big Thank You in advance.
(BTW, If you want to respond by email, no prob.
I lose internet with 64 bit all the time. I have to repair the connection using the repair wizard and sometimes when that doesn't work a reboot with bring it back up. I don't have this problem with my 32bit installs. I know there is a bug that affects some installs with certain nics installed. Maybe a re-install of the drivers will help. Also if you're using wireless draft n it just doesn't work correctly in Windows 7.

I'm sure you tried this, but, have you tried to repair the connection?