Win 10 a step backwards


Active Member
Dec 2, 2014
Darien, IL
This has to be the ugliest OS ever. I always love a new OS and welcome the change as a challenge. This OS in my opinion is the worst. Forget WinME or Vista or what ever else they have marked as a bad OS, this one is stupid. I own a computer which is capable of many great things. We can send people to the moon but we can't change the color of a taskbar. Why does Win10 limit the taskbar color to white?? DUMB!!! If I wanted a MAC I would have bought one. I have a great new idea lets limit what the OS can do. What are they thinking ? Oh and bring back good code and program the OS for keyboard use (Button)while your working on it. Back when I learned to code my teacher used to take points off for code that was missing keyboard shortcuts. I can say I will not be going to Win 10.

However I do feel for the people who have and here is how you change the taskbar color as dumb as it is.
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Wrong terminology sorry. I was referring to the titlebar. I just can't stand the all white, washed out look. It actually hurts to look at it. I know some of it can be changed but I really believe this is a step backwards.
I am sorry to feel this way and I understand the need for chocolate and vanilla in this world of choices. I too was very content with 8.1.
Since I have been using Win 10 Pro for weeks now, I am glad I stuck with it as it has so many useful features i was not aware of and to which I had to acclimate.
I hope you too give it a chance and, although you may have to work your way through it, I really feel you will realize that advanced technology you can come to enjoy.
I remember when the BIOS was changed to UEFI and everyone who wanted to boot into their imaging programs were upset. As time went by we all came to realize the benefit of upgrading our technology.
Anyway, just a word of encouragement and good luck.
I, too am really liking Windows 10. I was using the Windows 10 Technical Preview for a few months so I was already used to it.
>>I tried the TP in a VM and did not keep it more than couple of days. Then when I upgraded it I stuck with it and I am very glad I did. Thank you for the likes and I hope others will make the adjustment.
"Since I have been using Win 10 Pro for weeks now, I am glad I stuck with it as it has so many useful features i was not aware of and to which I had to acclimate."

I am curious as to what these features are. Can you elaborate please?
Sir, with all due respect I am not putting fuel on fire. I am 75 nd had all the negatives I wish to endure. Suffice to say with new technology, usually, there are improvements. I am sorry you are disgruntled and wish you many hours of happiness with 8.1 or Mac or whatever you choose to use.
I do look forward to many pleasant discussions and problem solving with you in this very pleasant forum.
Have a good one as we do not have too many given us.
I was just wondering what features you found that I may be unaware of. You said you were glad you stuck with it and mentioned so many useful features so I just was asking what they were.
I was just wondering what features you found that I may be unaware of. You said you were glad you stuck with it and mentioned so many useful features so I just was asking what they were.
>> I like the new layout with both icons and a start menu. Pinning and quick access to apps is convenient. The multiple desktops facilitate the work I do. There is much more but let us leave it at that, if that is acceptable. As I said, what ever OS you use I hope you are happy with it and we can help each other with specific problems in the forum. I am trying to be positive and help - it's the nice , easy way.
I like Windows 10 although I am not using it as my primary operating system. I use it enough to become familiar with the OS.

I use a Windows 7 computer for my banking and online shopping and I alternate using a dual boot computer with Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 for every day use.
I think that is a sensible, workable approach.
My machines came though with Win 7 and I upgraded to 8 then 8.1 and finally to 10.
I imaged each OS and once imaged back to 7. I was a bit frustrated by the comparative lack of speed. I imaged back to 8.1, at the time, and obviously am using 10 for everything now. You have an interesting system which I am sure serves your purpose, particularly from a security point of view.
I bridged the isp's gateway and use my own router which I feel more comfortable with. Once I asked the isp tech a question and sure enough she had access to my password and passkey. That did it for me. I would use just a modem as I used to but I need the gateway for the digital phone.
How are you set up?
That is a good set up to accommodate your needs.
I wish I could get away from the gateway with my own modem but I have a digital phone to consider. Any ideas?
I am glad you checked. At this point I time there likely is no alternative but soon there may be.
The cost of the gateway is less than another line, I would think.
We used to have Verizon land line and that allowed me to have my own modem with my routers and switches but it was too costly. It is too bad there is not a digital device you could use for the phone without having the gateway. Some quiz kid will come along an figure that out. If someone here knows better, please let us know.