Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the lastfile on a defragged drive?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Doc
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After defragging a drive with PerfectDisk8, using the aggressive
setting, I captured a lengthy DV video file. However, after analyzing
the disk, the file shows to have been laid down in several chunks
instead of one contiguous chunk. Why is that?

Thanks for all input.
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

"Doc" <docsavage20@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> After defragging a drive with PerfectDisk8, using the aggressive
> setting, I captured a lengthy DV video file. However, after analyzing
> the disk, the file shows to have been laid down in several chunks
> instead of one contiguous chunk. Why is that?

That's normal.

If you want it to be contigious defrag it again after your capture.

However, there should be no need to do this. Can you explain what you are
trying to fix?

> Thanks for all input.
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of thelast file on a defragged drive?

On Jan 7, 3:18 pm, Doc <docsavag...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> After defragging a drive with PerfectDisk8, using the aggressive
> setting, I captured a lengthy DV video file. However, after analyzing
> the disk, the file shows to have been laid down in several chunks
> instead of one contiguous chunk. Why is that?
> Thanks for all input.

This has always been the method that Microsoft recorded the files onto
hard drives (since the DOS era.)
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of thelast file on a defragged drive?

On Jan 7, 3:22 pm, "nappy" <n...@n.n> wrote:

> That's normal.
> If you want it to be contigious defrag it again after your capture.
> However, there should be no need to do this. Can you explain what you are
> trying to fix?

Not trying to "fix" it as such, just trying to gain understanding.
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

On Mon, 7 Jan 2008 12:18:45 -0800 (PST), Doc <docsavage20@yahoo.com> wrote:

>After defragging a drive with PerfectDisk8, using the aggressive
>setting, I captured a lengthy DV video file. However, after analyzing
>the disk, the file shows to have been laid down in several chunks
>instead of one contiguous chunk. Why is that?

There may be areas which are locked, and which you might not see on the
cluster-view (if Perfectdisk has such a view), then when capturing, it
jumps over the locked areas, and creates a new part. Quite normal, and not
that much to worry about. If files are fragmented in multitudes, and those
areas are all over the disk, you have to get worried -)


Official website "Jonah's Quid" http://www.jonahsquids.co.uk
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

"Doc" wrote ...
> After defragging a drive with PerfectDisk8, using the aggressive
> setting, I captured a lengthy DV video file. However, after analyzing
> the disk, the file shows to have been laid down in several chunks
> instead of one contiguous chunk. Why is that?

Because operating systems like MSwin use a compromise,
"all-purpose", generic algorithm for determining where to put
files, both beginning allocations, and subsequent extents. This
algorithm is clearly not optimized for allocation of large,
contiguous files (like video and audio files). There are a great
many reasons for this, most of which are beyond the scope of
a newsgroup discussion such as this.

This algorithm may be published and/or discussed somewhere,
but, like the weather, we can talk about it all we like, but there
isn't much we can DO about it.

Perhaps it would be more fruitful for you to explain why you
are asking. Is there some issue you are trying to resolve?
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

One would presume that editing work with a video file broken into pieces may
be less than optimum.


"Richard Crowley" <rcrowley@xp7rt.net> wrote in message
> "Doc" wrote ...
>> After defragging a drive with PerfectDisk8, using the aggressive
>> setting, I captured a lengthy DV video file. However, after analyzing
>> the disk, the file shows to have been laid down in several chunks
>> instead of one contiguous chunk. Why is that?

> Because operating systems like MSwin use a compromise,
> "all-purpose", generic algorithm for determining where to put
> files, both beginning allocations, and subsequent extents. This
> algorithm is clearly not optimized for allocation of large,
> contiguous files (like video and audio files). There are a great
> many reasons for this, most of which are beyond the scope of
> a newsgroup discussion such as this.
> This algorithm may be published and/or discussed somewhere,
> but, like the weather, we can talk about it all we like, but there
> isn't much we can DO about it.
> Perhaps it would be more fruitful for you to explain why you
> are asking. Is there some issue you are trying to resolve?
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

"Joe" <abc@xyz.com> wrote in message news:x22hj.6512$vX6.5858@trndny05...
> One would presume that editing work with a video file broken into pieces
> may be less than optimum.
> Joe

Perhaps. But if optimum means the file can be accessed at the required speed
with the required throughput then it is a nonissue because it fulfills the

> "Richard Crowley" <rcrowley@xp7rt.net> wrote in message
> news:5ufiepF1grq5dU1@mid.individual.net...
>> "Doc" wrote ...
>>> After defragging a drive with PerfectDisk8, using the aggressive
>>> setting, I captured a lengthy DV video file. However, after analyzing
>>> the disk, the file shows to have been laid down in several chunks
>>> instead of one contiguous chunk. Why is that?

>> Because operating systems like MSwin use a compromise,
>> "all-purpose", generic algorithm for determining where to put
>> files, both beginning allocations, and subsequent extents. This
>> algorithm is clearly not optimized for allocation of large,
>> contiguous files (like video and audio files). There are a great
>> many reasons for this, most of which are beyond the scope of
>> a newsgroup discussion such as this.
>> This algorithm may be published and/or discussed somewhere,
>> but, like the weather, we can talk about it all we like, but there
>> isn't much we can DO about it.
>> Perhaps it would be more fruitful for you to explain why you
>> are asking. Is there some issue you are trying to resolve?

Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

better, they are grown much worse, and make it an argument against the
goodness of their state. But the truth, the case seems plainly to be,
that now they feel the pain of their own wound they have a watchful eye
upon their hearts, that they did not use to have. They take more notice
of what sin is there, which is now more burdensome to them they strive
more against it, and feel more of its strength.

They are somewhat surprised that they should in this respect find
themselves so different from the idea they generally had entertained of
godly persons. For, though grace be indeed of a far more excellent
nature than they imagined, yet those who are godly have much less of it,
and much more remaining corruption, than they thought. They never
realized it, that persons were wont to meet with such difficulties,
after they were once converted. When they are thus exercised with doubts
about their state, through the deadness of their frames, as long as
these frames last, they are commonly unable to satisfy themselves of the
truth of their grace, by all their self-examination. When they hear of
the signs of grace laid down for them to try themselves by, they are
often so clouded, that they do not know how to apply them. They hardly
know whether they have such and such things or no, and whether they have
experienced them or not. That which was the sweetest, best, and most
distinguishing in their experiences, they cannot recover a sense of. But
on a return of the influences of the Spirit of God, to revive the lively
actings of grace, the light breaks through the cloud, and doubting and
darkness soon vanish away.

Persons are often revived out of their d
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

in the
multitude and fineness of their premises for it is clear that those which
are put forward as ultimate are not self-supporting, but are based on others
which, again having others for their support, do not permit of finality. But
we represent some as ultimate for reason, in the same way as in regard to
material objects we call that an indivisible point beyond which our senses
can no longer perceive anything, although by its nature it is infinitely

Of these two Infinites of science, that of greatness is the most palpable,
and hence a few persons have pretended to know all things. "I will speak of
the whole," said Democritus.

But the infinitely little is the least obvious. Philosophers have much
oftener claimed to have reached it, and it is here they have all stumbled.
This has given rise to such common titles as First Principles, Principles of
Philosophy, and the like, as ostentatious in fact, though not in appearance,
as that one which blinds us, De omni scibili.5

We naturally believe ourselves far more capable of reaching the centre of
things than of embracing their circumference. The visible extent of the
world visibly exceeds us but as we exceed little things, we think ourselves
more capable of knowing them. And yet we need no less capacity for attaining
the Nothing than the All. Infinite capacity is required for both, and it
seems to me that whoever shall have understood the ultimate principles of
being might also attain to the knowledge of the Infinite. The one depends on
the other, and one leads to the other. These extremes meet and reunite by
force of distance and find each other in God, and in God alone.

Let us, then, take our compass we are something, and we are not everything.
The nature of our existence hides from us the knowledge of first beginnings
which are born of the Nothing and the littleness of our being conceals from
us the sight of th
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

It is the first law of all and is of such a kind
that, even before the term law was in currency among the Greeks, it had, for
nearly a thousand years earlier, been uninterruptedly accepted and observed
by the Jews. I likewise think it strange that the first law of the world
happens to be the most perfect so that the greatest legislators have
borrowed their laws from it, as is apparent from the law of the Twelve
Tables at Athens, afterwards taken by the Romans, and as it would be easy to
prove, if Josephus and others had not sufficiently dealt with this subject.

620. Advantages of the Jewish people.--In this search the Jewish people at
once attracts my attention by the number of wonderful and singular facts
which appear about them.

I first see that they are a people wholly composed of brethren, and whereas
all others are formed by the assemblage of an infinity of families, this,
though so wonderfully fruitful, has all sprung from one man alone, and,
being thus all one flesh, and members one of another, they constitute a
powerful state of one fam
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

by My Word in Scripture, by My Spirit in the Church
and by inspiration, by My power in the priests, by My prayer in the

"Physicians will not heal thee, for thou wilt die at last. But it is I who
heal thee and make the body immortal.

"Suffer bodily chains and servitude, I deliver thee at present only from
spiritual servitude.

"I am more a friend to thee than such and such an one, for I have done for
thee more then they they would not have suffered what I have suffered from
thee, and they would not have died for thee as I have done in the time of
thine infidelities and cruelties, and as I am ready to do, and do, among My
elect and at the Holy Sacrament."

"If thou knewest thy sins, thou wouldst lose heart."

I shall lose it then, Lord, for on Thy assurance I believe their malice.

"No, for I, by whom thou learnest, can heal thee of them, and what I say to
thee is a sign that I will heal thee. In proportion to thy expiation of
them, thou wilt know them, and it will be said to thee: 'Behold thy sins are
forgiven thee.' Repent, then, for thy hidden sins, and for the secret malice
of those which thou knowest."

Lord, I give Thee all.

"I love thee more ardently than thou hast loved thine abominations, ut
immundus pro luto.

"To Me be the glory, not to thee, worm of the earth.

"Ask thy confessor, when My own words are to thee occasion of evil, vanity,
or curiosity."

I see in me depths of pride, curiosity, and lust. There is no relation
between me and God, nor Jesus Christ the Righteous. But He has been made sin
for me all Thy scourges are fallen upon Him. He is more abominable than I,
and, far from abhorring me, He holds Himself honoured that I go to Him and
succour Him.

But He has healed Himself, and still more so will He heal me.

I must add my wounds to His, and join myself to Him and He will save me in
saving Himself. But t
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

But since only caprice
makes such and such a one a ruler, the principle is not constant, but
subject to variation, etc.

307. The chancellor is grave and clothed with ornaments, for his position is
unreal. Not so the king he has power and has nothing to do with the
imagination. Judges, physicians, etc., appeal only to the imagination.

308. The habit of seeing kings accompanied by guards, drums, officers, and
all the paraphernalia which mechanically inspire respect and awe, makes
their countenance, when sometimes seen alone without these accompaniments,
impress respect and awe on their subjects because we cannot separate in
thought their persons from the surroundings with which we see them usually
joined. And the world, which knows not that this effect is the result of
habit, believes that it arises by a natural force, whence come these words,
"The character of Divinity is stamped on his countenance," etc.

309. Justice.--As custom determines what is agreeable, so also does it
determine justice.

310. King and tyrant.--I, too, will keep my thought
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

greatest height in this town in the former
part of the spring, in March and April. At that time God's work in the
conversion of souls was carried on amongst us in so wonderful a manner,
that, so far as I can judge, it appears to have been at the rate at
least of four persons in a day or near thirty in a week, take one with
another, for five or six weeks together. When God in so remarkable a
manner took the work into His own hands, there was as much done in a day
or two, as at ordinary times, with all endeavors that men can use, and
with such a blessing as we commonly have, is done in a year.

I am very sensible, how apt many would be, if they should see the
account I have here given, presently to think with themselves that I am
very fond of making a great many converts, and of magnifying the matter
and to think that for want of judgment, I take every religious pang, and
enthusiastic conceit, for saving conversion. I do not much wonder if
they should be apt to think so and, for this reason, I have forborne to
publish an account of this great work of God, though I have often been
solicited. But having now a special call to give an account of it, upon
mature consideration I thought it might not be beside my duty to declare
this amazing work, as it appeared to me to be indeed divine, and to
conceal no part of the glory of it leaving it with God to take care of
the credit of His own work, and running the venture of any censorious
thoughts, which might be entertained of me to my disadvantage. That
distant persons may be under as great advantage as may be to judge for
themselves of this matter, I would be a little more large and

SECTION II. The Manner of Conversion Various, Yet Bearing a Great

I therefore proceed to give an account of the manner of persons being
wrought upon and here there is a vast variety, perhaps as manifold as
the subjects of the operation but yet in many thin
Re: Why doesn't video file get laid down starting at the end of the last file on a defragged drive?

well-behaved he is! etc.

The children of Port-Royal, who do not receive this stimulus of envy and
glory, fall into carelessness.

152. Pride.--Curiosity is only vanity. Most frequently we wish to know but
to talk. Otherwise we would not take a sea voyage in order never to talk of
it, and for the sole pleasure of seeing without hope of ever communicating

153. Of the desire of being esteemed by those with whom we are.--Pride takes
such natural possession of us in the midst of our woes, errors, etc. We even
lose our life with joy, provided people talk of it.

Vanity: play, hunting, visiting, false shame, a lasting name.

154. I have no friends to your advantage.

155. A true friend is so great an advantage, even for the greatest lords, in
order that he may speak well of them and back them in their absence, that
they should do all to have one. But they should choose well for, if they
spend all their efforts in the interests of fools, it will be of no use,
however well these may speak of them and these will not even speak well of
them if they find themselves on the weakest side, for they have no
influence and thus they will speak ill of them in company.

156. Ferox gens, nullam esse vitam sine armis rati.20 --They prefer death to
peace others prefer death to war.

Every opinion may be held preferable to life, the love of which is so strong
and so natural.

157. Contradiction: contempt for our existen