Why does window keeps shuting down to prevent errors?

Most of the time Blue screens are caused by RAM or driver issues. Next time you get the blue screen note the error and post. This will tell us what is causing it.
yes cindy i am getting a blue screen error with dmp file

I had something like that and paid a tech to fix it. Sorry,
I can't seem to find the invoice listing what he did.

Less than a week later, the same thing happened! It
involved too much of a hassle to take my computer to
the tech again, so I snooped around the o/s (XP Pro).

WinPatrol PLUS had the following in Startup:

- Kernel Fault ck dumprep O - K; "file does not exist."
- Cookienator; "file does not exist."

I deleted:
- both items from Startup, and
- Cookienator from Add/Remove Programs

I did a Search to confirm that neither were still on
the computer.

Everything has been fine ever since (~4 months)!

Apparently "Kernel Fault ck dumprep" was not
something new. I found this via Google:

This may not help, but just in case ......

Good luck!
I had something like that and paid a tech to fix it. Sorry,
I can't seem to find the invoice listing what he did.

Found it. Problem was a bad RAM module, which was
replaced. Inexpensive hardware, but time-consuming

But, as I posted earlier, the problem returned a short
time later which I somehow managed to fix (see previous

Again, good luck!
thanks lina

You're welcome, Rachet! I'm far from being computer savvy, but I suggest you:

- check startup to see if something is in there that should not be (solved my
problem second time I got a blue screen error with dmp file). That will only
cost you a little time and effort. If that does not resolve the problem:

- follow through with GimboV's suggestion (he mentions RAM, which is what
the tech replaced on my computer the first time I got a blue screen error with
dmp file):

Most of the time Blue screens are caused by RAM or driver issues. Next time
you get the blue screen, note the error and post.
This will tell us what is
causing it.

Again, good luck!
Ratchet, have you resolved the blue screen problem?

Just in case I get the same blue screen again, I would
appreciate knowing what you tried and whether or not
you were successful.
