Why does my computer need a password to log on? Was not needed before.


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
My monitor would not come on after hitting the space bar. The PC was in sleep mode, so when I move the mouse or hit any key the monitor and PC will come out of sleep. But not this time. I rebooted my PC and a new (different, never seen it before) opening
page appeared. To the left was instruction to click on my user name. To the right was HP_ Administrator. I clicked on that and a password window opened. I have never set up a password so I just hit enter. I was prompted for a password again. Message was &quotForgot
your password?&quot, type your password again. I typed admin, but that didn't work. I tried several passwords I use for web access and forums, etc. but got no where at all. Several reboots, still the same new opening page and request for a password. Prior to
this, my PC would just open to my desk top, now I get this new blue sheet needing a password.

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