Why does Java make my system way slower?


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Several weeks ago, I was Googling images and, after left-clicking one for display, I was taken to it's website. When I attempted to save the image, I was prompted to download Java. This confused me as I just assumed it had already been installed - but
no, so I downloaded it with no problems. Java has changed the way a few of my usual pages respond or display - some I like better.. some not. The biggest difference has been the decrease in overall response times whether I'm off-line or on-line. I went from
having almost instantaneous responses to left-clicking (whatever) to waiting 10 or more (usually more) seconds for a new on-line page or tab to open.. sometimes timing out. Even off-line, opening folders and files used to flash open immediately, but now some
take several seconds at times - like they're 'stuttering'.

Is everything I do filtered through Java in some way, slowing the system down?

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