Why dies Windows 8 freeze sporadically in various applications while my old laptop works dependably


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
First, Windows 8 has set me back to square one. I cannot make heads nor tails of how to use it even after using the demo videos (which freeze sometimes and then close abruptly). Second, I cannot trust that the new HP PC will let me get through a series
of screens without freezing from time to time. My old laptop which is dying, is more dependable with Word3 and Windows XP. I can work faster on the old laptop, which was slowing down due to memory needs. Still, Windows 8 lets me do half of what I need to
do in double the time. I wish I could dump this new Operating system and just get XP. The computer was a gift from my daughters. I have used computers and Microsoft products for over 25 years. I learn fast but am no professional. I am very, very disappointed
in this product.

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