Who Is This Dork Roy Schestowitz?

  • Thread starter Thread starter 1.ball.willy@gmail.com
  • Start date Start date


And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?
Micoshaft Asstroturfer 1.ball.willy@gmail.com flatly wrote on behalf of
Micoshaft Corporation:

> And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
> and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
> religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
> orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
> So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?

Micoshaft Appologies Department

We are very sorry one of our asstroturfers has gone astray.

PISTIFICATION has reached new heights.
This is what happens if you install PISTA on your laptop
and you begin to take out your frustations on others.

Flatcake's nym shifting and obsessions about Roy are legendary.

We think it would help if someone sent him a blow up doll of
Balding Moneky Boy Blammer. May be a she male version so he
can focus from both sides?

Moral of the story?
If you want to avoid becoming a she male banging obsessive
compulsive, give up PISTA now.

You really need to try out some Linux to get out of the bind.


Remember they come with source code so you can modify
to heart's content.

Linux now adding over 1 million new users per month, while
embedded Linux is selling one million devices per day.
The racist, liar and software thief Gary Stewart (flatfish) nymshifted:

< snip flatfish droppings >

Nice open relay you found there in Thailand, Gary Stewart

You lately nymshifted to

1.ball.willy, Abbie Diaz, achmed.jones, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie
Perkins, Allison Juergans, allison_hunt1969, Alicia Hunt, Ana Thema,
andyschipowitz, Anna Banger, anonymous, arkady.duntov, Archie, Archie Moss
Bunker, Archie Watermann, Attila, Baba Booey, Babcock Johnson,
babcock.latreen, Babu Singh, ball.****.the.plumber, banjo.boy69, Bill
Thomson, Billy <billy.the.kidd>, bill.gates.loves.me, BingoBongo, bison,
Bjarne Jensen, bjornstad8800, BklynBoy, bones4jones, bonobo magilla, Boyce
Mabri, BSEE, Bunsen Burner, Buster, c.baumstumpff, CBFalconer, Charles
LeGrand, Charlie, Choppers McGee, Chris Thomas, Christine Abernathy, Claire
Lynn, Clippy, Clock King, collie4roy, Collie Entragion, Colon Singh, common
cold, compton.plaines_kid, Connie Hines, Corrie, corry.lebeu, Corrie
Titlaand, Cory Dyvik, Curtis Wilson, cymon.says, Damian O'Leary, Dana
Bush, Danny Kwong, dbx_boy, Deadpenguin, Debbie, detective48, Devon Dawson,
dismoqualifetch, Donn Carlsbad, donna.bunting_tv, dont.pullout,
doris.gets.her.oates, Doug Richardson, Dragon.Boy, Dr.Long John Jones,
dy.sector, echo.valley_26809, Elliot Zimmermann, Elwin Winters, Emmanuel
Arias, Fawn Lebowitz, flatfish+++, foamy, frank boson, Franz Klammer, Fred
Simmons, gabriele howorth, Gary Stewart, GayClod, George Cotton, George
Littlefield, Gilbert, Gilbert Goiter, Gilbert Hochaim,
gilligan, goldfarb44, gooseborg, Greg Finnigan, Greg Laplante, Hans Kimm,
Hans Tomlinson, Harry Hilton, Harvey Fogel, Heather, Heather69, Heather
Trax, Heddy Seafield, Heidi van Wong, helmut.ginter, hepcat,
high_pain_humper, Hugh Himless, hymen.the.jew, llanalott, Ishmeal Hafizi,
itchy balls, Ivan Mctavish, IvanaB, Jason, jeff.smiley, Jeff Szarka,
jjwassermann, Joe Josephson, John, John King, John Shelton, John
Smith, johnnyscotrun, jolt.n.pizza, Jorge Jorgensen, jorge_shillingford,
Jose Lopez, juke_joint, kaptain kaput, Karel Olish, karen.bullfinch, Karen
Hill, Karla Snodgress, kathy_krantz, Kaylie Solomon, Kendra, Kenneth Downs,
Kenny Dugan, Kent Dorfman, Ken Johnson, Kim Coinop, Kinglen Wang, Kristen,
kumba killington, Kurt Janker, Kyle Cadet,  lafferty6, L Didio, Laura
Shillingford, Le Farter, Le Yammy, Leaking Onion, Leo Diaz, Les Cramer, Les
Turner, Les Walton, Leslie Bassman, Lilly, Lindy, linux.curious, Linux
Exposer, linux.freak.detector, Lisa Shavas, Lisa Cottmann, Lois Hunt, Long,
long_tong_ling,  luisortizhome, Lukumi Babalu Aye, Luna Lane, Major Mynor,
Manny, mark.kent.is.owned, Mario Fermin, McSwain, mista twista,Mogumbo,
Moses, Mooshoo Bong Singh, mr.macfeelme,  mycarisfast, narrows_whitefish,
nate_mcspook, Navid Shakibapour, oh.bama.da.rack, okto_pussy,
opensource.sucks, organ.creep, OSS KDE User, Paddy McCrockett, Paul
Wannamaker, Paris Marriot, Patricia, Patrick Landrum, Patty LeGrange, patty
pippins, Patty Poppins, percy samson, Peter Gluckman, Peter Kohlmann, Peter
Kränkwonov, peter.traphagen, Phil, Phillip Cornwall, phoung, phoung quoak,
pickle_pete, Piss Clam, Polly Ester, Poopy Pants McGee, pus.boy99, pyles69,
Quimby, Quinton Magee, Quizno Backer, Ray Schitzmepantz, Reporter, Rich,
Richard P. Johnson, Richie, Richie O'Toole, Richie Spano, right.wanger,
Robert Strunk, rodolfo.garcia44, rothstein_ivan, Roy_Pestowitz,
Roy.Schakemetitz, Roy.Schavedmenutz, Roy.Schavesmewankz, roy.shysterwitz,
Roy.Schitzowitz, roys.testicles, roy.the.spam.king, RP Modell, ryebra,
Sally Vadi, Sammy, Sammy Whalen, Saul Goldblatt, schavemetitz,
Schestertitz, schestowizzle, schestowitz, schitzmepantz, schisterwitz,
Schlomo Smykowski, Sharon Cackle, Sharon Hubbasland, Sean, Sean Fitzhenry,
Sean Macpherson, Sewer Rat, sewer_clown, Shelly K., Sherlock Holmes,
Schlomo Rabinowitz, Simon, Simon Lewis, simply.lisa, Singer, sista
sledgehammer, slacker.mcspritze, Spammy_Davis, spanny_davis, Stefan
Karstensen, Stephan Simonsen, Stephanie, Stephanie Mannerz, Stephen,
Stephen Olsen, Stephen Townshend, stomach.pump, SuckyB, Sue, sue quinterra,
sully1999, SunnyB, Susan, Susan Bladder, Susan Lapinski, Susan Wong, Suzi
Wong, suzie.linux, Suzie Wong, Swampee, swing.****, sylvano12tegriorgriach,
Ted Bennington, Terri Sorensen, Terry Porter, The Beaver, Thorsten,
Thorsten Thigpen, Timmy Luncford , Toby Rastus Roosovelt III, toe.mein,
Tomas Bicsak, tomas.bozak, Tomas Dunton, Tomas Lucatorto, Tori, Tori
Wassermann, Torre Stanslaand, Trace Dennison, Tracee, Traci, traci.alicock,
traci.manicotti, traci.pusey, Traci Spritzendrainer, trailerpark, Trina
Swallows, Trolly, Trudi Simpkins, Tryxie Lustern,  udayshankar29, Uday
Shankar, victimizedb, victimizedbyms, Vince Fontain, Vladimir Yepifano,
Walter Bubniak, Wang Mycock, Wasser, Waterskidoo, wendy, Wendy Duzz, Wendy
Toiletwater, Whizzer, Wilbur J, willy watkins jr, Willy Wong,
wiltons_pypes, Winnie Septos, wizard.shot, wm_walsh, Wobbles,
wylbur.horseman, Yanick Schmuley and zyklon_C.
Plus many, many, many more.
You are a shining example for the advances in artificial stupidity
Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> The racist, liar and software thief Gary Stewart (flatfish) nymshifted:
> < snip flatfish droppings >
> Nice open relay you found there in Thailand, Gary Stewart
> You lately nymshifted to
> 1.ball.willy, Abbie Diaz, achmed.jones, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie
> Perkins, Allison Juergans, allison_hunt1969, Alicia Hunt, Ana Thema,
> andyschipowitz, Anna Banger, anonymous, arkady.duntov, Archie, Archie Moss
> Bunker, Archie Watermann, Attila, Baba Booey, Babcock Johnson,
> babcock.latreen, Babu Singh, ball.****.the.plumber, banjo.boy69, Bill
> Thomson, Billy <billy.the.kidd>, bill.gates.loves.me, BingoBongo, bison,
> Bjarne Jensen, bjornstad8800, BklynBoy, bones4jones, bonobo magilla, Boyce
> Mabri, BSEE, Bunsen Burner, Buster, c.baumstumpff, CBFalconer, Charles
> LeGrand, Charlie, Choppers McGee, Chris Thomas, Christine Abernathy, Claire
> Lynn, Clippy, Clock King, collie4roy, Collie Entragion, Colon Singh, common
> cold, compton.plaines_kid, Connie Hines, Corrie, corry.lebeu, Corrie
> Titlaand, Cory Dyvik, Curtis Wilson, cymon.says, Damian O'Leary, Dana
> Bush, Danny Kwong, dbx_boy, Deadpenguin, Debbie, detective48, Devon Dawson,
> dismoqualifetch, Donn Carlsbad, donna.bunting_tv, dont.pullout,
> doris.gets.her.oates, Doug Richardson, Dragon.Boy, Dr.Long John Jones,
> dy.sector, echo.valley_26809, Elliot Zimmermann, Elwin Winters, Emmanuel
> Arias, Fawn Lebowitz, flatfish+++, foamy, frank boson, Franz Klammer, Fred
> Simmons, gabriele howorth, Gary Stewart, GayClod, George Cotton, George
> Littlefield, Gilbert, Gilbert Goiter, Gilbert Hochaim,
> gilligan, goldfarb44, gooseborg, Greg Finnigan, Greg Laplante, Hans Kimm,
> Hans Tomlinson, Harry Hilton, Harvey Fogel, Heather, Heather69, Heather
> Trax, Heddy Seafield, Heidi van Wong, helmut.ginter, hepcat,
> high_pain_humper, Hugh Himless, hymen.the.jew, llanalott, Ishmeal Hafizi,
> itchy balls, Ivan Mctavish, IvanaB, Jason, jeff.smiley, Jeff Szarka,
> jjwassermann, Joe Josephson, John, John King, John Shelton, John
> Smith, johnnyscotrun, jolt.n.pizza, Jorge Jorgensen, jorge_shillingford,
> Jose Lopez, juke_joint, kaptain kaput, Karel Olish, karen.bullfinch, Karen
> Hill, Karla Snodgress, kathy_krantz, Kaylie Solomon, Kendra, Kenneth Downs,
> Kenny Dugan, Kent Dorfman, Ken Johnson, Kim Coinop, Kinglen Wang, Kristen,
> kumba killington, Kurt Janker, Kyle Cadet, lafferty6, L Didio, Laura
> Shillingford, Le Farter, Le Yammy, Leaking Onion, Leo Diaz, Les Cramer, Les
> Turner, Les Walton, Leslie Bassman, Lilly, Lindy, linux.curious, Linux
> Exposer, linux.freak.detector, Lisa Shavas, Lisa Cottmann, Lois Hunt, Long,
> long_tong_ling, luisortizhome, Lukumi Babalu Aye, Luna Lane, Major Mynor,
> Manny, mark.kent.is.owned, Mario Fermin, McSwain, mista twista,Mogumbo,
> Moses, Mooshoo Bong Singh, mr.macfeelme, mycarisfast, narrows_whitefish,
> nate_mcspook, Navid Shakibapour, oh.bama.da.rack, okto_pussy,
> opensource.sucks, organ.creep, OSS KDE User, Paddy McCrockett, Paul
> Wannamaker, Paris Marriot, Patricia, Patrick Landrum, Patty LeGrange, patty
> pippins, Patty Poppins, percy samson, Peter Gluckman, Peter Kohlmann, Peter
> Kränkwonov, peter.traphagen, Phil, Phillip Cornwall, phoung, phoung quoak,
> pickle_pete, Piss Clam, Polly Ester, Poopy Pants McGee, pus.boy99, pyles69,
> Quimby, Quinton Magee, Quizno Backer, Ray Schitzmepantz, Reporter, Rich,
> Richard P. Johnson, Richie, Richie O'Toole, Richie Spano, right.wanger,
> Robert Strunk, rodolfo.garcia44, rothstein_ivan, Roy_Pestowitz,
> Roy.Schakemetitz, Roy.Schavedmenutz, Roy.Schavesmewankz, roy.shysterwitz,
> Roy.Schitzowitz, roys.testicles, roy.the.spam.king, RP Modell, ryebra,
> Sally Vadi, Sammy, Sammy Whalen, Saul Goldblatt, schavemetitz,
> Schestertitz, schestowizzle, schestowitz, schitzmepantz, schisterwitz,
> Schlomo Smykowski, Sharon Cackle, Sharon Hubbasland, Sean, Sean Fitzhenry,
> Sean Macpherson, Sewer Rat, sewer_clown, Shelly K., Sherlock Holmes,
> Schlomo Rabinowitz, Simon, Simon Lewis, simply.lisa, Singer, sista
> sledgehammer, slacker.mcspritze, Spammy_Davis, spanny_davis, Stefan
> Karstensen, Stephan Simonsen, Stephanie, Stephanie Mannerz, Stephen,
> Stephen Olsen, Stephen Townshend, stomach.pump, SuckyB, Sue, sue quinterra,
> sully1999, SunnyB, Susan, Susan Bladder, Susan Lapinski, Susan Wong, Suzi
> Wong, suzie.linux, Suzie Wong, Swampee, swing.****, sylvano12tegriorgriach,
> Ted Bennington, Terri Sorensen, Terry Porter, The Beaver, Thorsten,
> Thorsten Thigpen, Timmy Luncford , Toby Rastus Roosovelt III, toe.mein,
> Tomas Bicsak, tomas.bozak, Tomas Dunton, Tomas Lucatorto, Tori, Tori
> Wassermann, Torre Stanslaand, Trace Dennison, Tracee, Traci, traci.alicock,
> traci.manicotti, traci.pusey, Traci Spritzendrainer, trailerpark, Trina
> Swallows, Trolly, Trudi Simpkins, Tryxie Lustern, udayshankar29, Uday
> Shankar, victimizedb, victimizedbyms, Vince Fontain, Vladimir Yepifano,
> Walter Bubniak, Wang Mycock, Wasser, Waterskidoo, wendy, Wendy Duzz, Wendy
> Toiletwater, Whizzer, Wilbur J, willy watkins jr, Willy Wong,
> wiltons_pypes, Winnie Septos, wizard.shot, wm_walsh, Wobbles,
> wylbur.horseman, Yanick Schmuley and zyklon_C.
> Plus many, many, many more.
> --
> You are a shining example for the advances in artificial stupidity

You appear to be a SPAMMER Mr. Peter Kohlmann.
Who are you? Roy Schestowitz's girlfriend?
Kutloze Scheefgepoepte wrote:
>> You appear to be a SPAMMER Mr. Peter Kohlmann.

> Who are you? Roy Schestowitz's girlfriend?
> Her boyfriend?
> --
> Meet PIK (Peter Idiot K�hlmann) aka Peter K�hlmann, a confessed closet
> homosexual, in his lederhosen.
> http://www.angelfire.com/psy/doctorbill/Culley_aka_Kohlmann_aka_Kent.jpg

Her boyfriend?

You mean Roy Schestowitz is really a girl?
Strange stuff this Linux is. Very strange indeed.
On Dec 16, 9:45 am, 1.ball.wi...@gmail.com wrote:

> You appear to be a SPAMMER Mr. Peter Kohlmann.
> Who are you? Roy Schestowitz's girlfriend?

And who are you? A Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer shill?
Lew wrote:

> 1.ball.willy@gmail.com wrote:

>> Strange stuff this Linux is. Very strange indeed.

> Please keep these discussions off the Java newsgroups.

You are aware that you are talking to flatfish?

He is a liar. He is a troll (a hideous one, to boot).
He is a racist (aspiring for KKK Grand Wizard).
And he is a software thief.

If you try to find someone even worse, you need a child molester
Microsoft? Is that some kind of a toilet paper?
peterwn wrote:
> On Dec 16, 9:45 am, 1.ball.wi...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > You appear to be a SPAMMER Mr. Peter Kohlmann.
> > Who are you? Roy Schestowitz's girlfriend?

> And who are you? A Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer shill?

Who told you?
Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> Lew wrote:
> > 1.ball.willy@gmail.com wrote:

> >> Strange stuff this Linux is. Very strange indeed.

> > Please keep these discussions off the Java newsgroups.

> You are aware that you are talking to flatfish?
> He is a liar. He is a troll (a hideous one, to boot).
> He is a racist (aspiring for KKK Grand Wizard).
> And he is a software thief.
> If you try to find someone even worse, you need a child molester

Now I am really confused.
The other guy said you are a flatfish.
So how can I be a flatfish when you are a flatfish.
Of course the other guy also said Roy Schestowitz is actually a
female, which a little google work seems to be true.


<1.ball.willy@gmail.com> wrote in message
> And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
> and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
> religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
> orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
> So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?

I don't think that anyone would pay him for this. If you google around, you
can find a podcast featuring Roy and see for yourself what a piece of work
he actually is. Although he truly is a dork, he is his own dork.
____/ 7 on Saturday 15 December 2007 20:12 : \____

> Micoshaft Asstroturfer 1.ball.willy@gmail.com flatly wrote on behalf of
> Micoshaft Corporation:
>> And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
>> and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
>> religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
>> orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
>> So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?

> Micoshaft Appologies Department
> -------------------------------
> We are very sorry one of our asstroturfers has gone astray.
> PISTIFICATION has reached new heights.
> This is what happens if you install PISTA on your laptop
> and you begin to take out your frustations on others.
> Flatcake's nym shifting and obsessions about Roy are legendary.
> We think it would help if someone sent him a blow up doll of
> Balding Moneky Boy Blammer. May be a she male version so he
> can focus from both sides?
> Moral of the story?
> If you want to avoid becoming a she male banging obsessive
> compulsive, give up PISTA now.
> You really need to try out some Linux to get out of the bind.
> http://www.livecdlist.com
> http://www.distrowatch.com
> Remember they come with source code so you can modify
> to heart's content.
> Linux now adding over 1 million new users per month, while
> embedded Linux is selling one million devices per day.

It's Sunday. Gary Stewart is bored and lonely. What's more, it's a cold winter
in New York, so Gary stays at home stalking people, harassing them, and
spreading lies about them in Usenet.

Mind the fact that Gary Stewart only attacks me in the weekend, so he must have
gotten himself a job (if dumpster-diving counts as one).

~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz
http://Schestowitz.com | Free as in Free Beer | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Load average (/proc/loadavg): 3.09 2.24 1.60 2/131 5400
http://iuron.com - semantic search engine project initiative
____/ 1.ball.willy@gmail.com on Saturday 15 December 2007 23:55 : \____

> Peter Köhlmann wrote:
>> Lew wrote:
>> > 1.ball.willy@gmail.com wrote:

>> >> Strange stuff this Linux is. Very strange indeed.

>> > Please keep these discussions off the Java newsgroups.

>> You are aware that you are talking to flatfish?
>> He is a liar. He is a troll (a hideous one, to boot).
>> He is a racist (aspiring for KKK Grand Wizard).
>> And he is a software thief.
>> If you try to find someone even worse, you need a child molester

> Now I am really confused.
> The other guy said you are a flatfish.
> So how can I be a flatfish when you are a flatfish.
> Of course the other guy also said Roy Schestowitz is actually a
> female, which a little google work seems to be true.

> http://tinyurl.com/2t5hxo
> Interesting.

More links to lies you posted *yourself* 'on my behalf'? The smear campaign
carries on, eh?

Technical merits aren't enough, so Microsoft bribes Linux companies (Novell et
al), threatens them with lawsuits, spreads lies about/intimidates people, and
bribes people to spread its marketing messages around the Internet. Examples
from the past year include:

Bribing Bloggers

,----[ Quote ]
| It's a bribe. Period. You say nice things about us, you get nice
| things from us. Heck, just say neutral things about us-we'll give
| you a killer new laptop and we know that you'll be inclined to say
| better things about us.


Microsoft Traps and Hunts for Bloggers in India !!

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has announced the "Microsoft BlogStars" contest, to Hunts
| for Developer Bloggers in India. After feeling the power and increase of
| the Bloggers community in India, Microsoft tries to trap and hunt Bloggers
| in India to buildup the blogging community, for writing blog posts
| supporting towards Microsoft Technologies.


Malik, Arrington and Battelle: X-22, come in [to Microsoft]

,----[ Quote ]
| What would possess a collection of online publishers and venture capitalists
| to pimp a Microsoft advertising slogan?
| Valleywag today reported about a site tied to a Microsoft ad campaign
| where the likes of Michael Arrington, Om Malik and others seemingly
| lend their support to the "people-ready" catchphrase.
| I sent e-mails both to Arrington and Malik and--surprise,
| surprise--heard nothing back. (Obviously, they are not yet
| sufficiently "Coop-ready.") Microsoft was still checking for me into  
| whether money exchanged hands. But even if not a single shekel exchanged
| hands, I must wonder about the absence of common sense. Why would
| ostensibly independent voices come across as Microsoft shills? If
| they were hoping for a free dinner with Bill Gates, there are
| smarter ways to go about it.


,----[ Quote ]
| "The main thing I'm pissed off about right now is that they pulled all the
| ads, which mean we're taking a revenue hit. We're running a business here,
| and have payroll to make. We run ads to make that payroll. Those ads have now
| been pulled."
| Microsoft once again corrupts confidence in the blogsphere. They
| turn 'citizen journalists' to marketing people in disguise.


How's the Reception at [Microsoft's] Channel 9?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates emphasized the importance of blogging in a
| May 2004 speech during the company's annual CEO summit. But Gates doesn't
| blog; same for Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.
| [...]
| Many Microsoft employees do blog, reportedly more than 4,000 of them.
| The number of employee bloggers was comparatively quite small, about
| 300, before the launch of Channel 9 and the success of Scoble's blog.
| Last year could be called year of the blog at Microsoft. Employee
| blogrolls swelled and Microsoft bloggers disseminated lots of
| vital information about the company. Increasingly, employee
| bloggers are becoming Microsoft's primary evangelists. They are
| certainly a group over which the company can exact some control
| and which can spin information to Microsoft's advantage.


Recidivist M$ Up to New Tricks

,----[ Quote ]
| Unleash the Astro-Turfers!
| Already on Apple oriented developer mailing lists one can see the
| astro-turfing has begun. A really amateurish attempt by 'Mac Developer' (no
| one uses a stupid handle like that) turned up today.  


Meet Thomas Brooks. He's a viral marketer for Microsoft.

,----[ Quote ]
| It's unfortunate that paid blogging is becoming all the more prevalent in
| communities like 1UP. And it's not just the blogs or reviews, it's also the
| message boards. Microsoft, for instance, also has a person (or people?) who
| is paid to post on some of the popular gaming boards (and no, Jeff Bell
| wasn't part of that plan). But it's not just Microsoft -- I know of a few
| other game publishers who pay users to blog. They don't necessarily require
| bloggers to say positive things about their products, but it's certainly
| implied with the paychecks.      
| What bums me out about all this viral stuff is that, to some extent, you
| don't know who to trust anymore. There was a time when, if you no longer
| believed in what the professional editors where saying, you could at least
| count on your fellow gamers for honest opinions. Not anymore. In a sense,
| perhaps that helps elevate the importance of the professional word once
| again, which I suppose is a good thing for us. But I'm still not happy about
| it.      


,----[ Quote ]
| In 2001, the Los Angeles Times accused Microsoft of astroturfing
| when hundreds of similar letters were sent to newspapers voicing
| disagreement with the United States Department of Justice and its
| antitrust suit against Microsoft. The letters, prepared by Americans
| for Technology Leadership, had in some cases been mailed from
| deceased citizens or nonexistent addresses.


MSN Is Spamming The Blogosphere

,----[ Quote ]
| Mr. Youth LLC is a marketing firm and lists MSN as a customer.  Their
| website is here: http://www.mryouth.com/  Their phone number is
| (212) 779-8700.
| I've talked to a couple of other bloggers who said they are receiving
| similar comments on their blogs.  This pisses me off because MSN/Mr.
| Youth should 1) be more upfront about their true identity, and 2)
| provide a real e-mail address so that I can request they take my
| blog off their marketing campaign.


,----[ Quote ]
|     "Some years back, Microsoft practiced a lot of dirty tricks using
| online mavens to go into forums and create Web sites extolling the virtues
| of Windows over OS/2. They were dubbed the Microsoft Munchkins, and it
| was obvious who they were and what they were up to. But their numbers
| and energy (and they way they joined forces with nonaligned dummies who
| liked to pile on) proved too much for IBM marketers, and Windows wont
| he operating-system war through fifth-column tactics"
|     Mr Dvorak wonders if Microsoft is today using reverse-dirty-tricks
| to promote the Xbox 360: pay people to create Web sites that slam the
| gaming computer in order to provoke a barrage of defenders.


Microsoft really loves Bloggers !!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft regularly flies customers and industry experts to its
| campus in Washington to listen to the feedback given by those
| people.The company invites dozens of key customers and partners
| to the event,where they spend brainstorming as a group.But as of
| late, Microsoft has changed it's strategy and the company is
| making extensive use of blogs to get direct customer feedback.
| Within a year,more than 1000 Microsoft employee blogs featured
| developers and product managers talking directly to customers every
| day, instead of once a year.Microsoft employees read dozens of
| blogs every day to see how customers react to Microsoft products
| and services. In fact,Microsoft employees have taken a bigger leap
| and even contribute to other's blogs in the expanding space of
| Blogosphere.


Seattle Area Bloggers Needed for Microsoft User Research Study

,----[ Quote ]
| For your participation, we'll give you your choice of retail
| software and hardware from our extensive list. Current titles
| include the latest Xbox, Xbox 360, and PC games, keyboards,
| Microsoft Office, Windows, productivity software and much more.


Bloggers meet Mr. Bill (Gates)

,----[ Quote ]
| That meeting is to help Web developers understand how to "unlock new
| revenue opportunities" through technology and content, which could
| include podcasts and blogs. The Microsoft sessions wraps up with a
| one-hour q-and-a up with Bill Gates.


Bribing Bloggers

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the most frustrating thing about the practice of giving
| bloggers free stuff: it pisses in the well, reducing the credibility
| of all blogs. I'm upset that people trust me less because of the
| behavior of other bloggers. Don't even get me started about PayPerPost.
| [...]
| Do not, under any circumstances, consider upgrading an XP system to
| Vista... even if it's fairly new and even if it's Vista Supremo
| Premium Ultra-Capable.


Microsoft's Laptop Giveaway Becoming PR Disaster?

,----[ Quote ]
| This thing is starting to feel like a PR disaster. Bloggers are
| starting to smell blood and this thing very well may begin to
| turn into yet another episode of bloggers gone wild.


Getting a Vaio [with Vista, from Microsoft, even in March 2007]

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Belgium rang me yesterday (I don?t think they realised it
| was a public holiday here!).
| [...]
| The phone call yesterday was to confirm my address - the laptop (a
| Sony Vaio - dunno which model or spec yet) is en route with Vista
| Ultimate and Office Ultimate pre-installed.


INQhack survives Vistability test in Volesville

,----[ Quote ]
| The Vole (Microsoft) supposedly invited The INQ over for tea because
| we are notorious "Microsoft doubters" - and we were accompanied by
| other supposed Vole doubters such as the folk from lifehacker and
| a very nice man from Slashdot, as well as some Microsoft MvPs.


Microsoft desperately wants my love -- and yours

,----[ Quote ]
| I spent December seventh, eighth, and ninth in Seattle as Microsoft's
| guest. Microsoft flew me there from Florida at its expense, put me up
| in a nice hotel, provided decent food, and comped me and four other
| invitees to this "special conference" with presentations about the
| marvels of Vista and other recent or upcoming Microsoft products. They
| didn't quite play the old Beatles song "Love Me Do" in the background,
| but it was the event's unstated theme.


US military propaganda team busted

,----[ Quote ]
| The activities uncovered by Wikileaks include deleting Guantanamo detainees'
| ID numbers from Wikipedia, posting of self-praising comments on news websites
| in response to negative articles, promoting pro-Guantanamo stories on the
| Internet news focus website Digg, and even altering Wikipedia's entry on
| Cuban President Fidel Castro to describe him as "an admitted transexual"
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| [sic].
| The proof Wikeleaks assembled includes the IP address and whois ownership
| record for public.jtfgtmo.southcom.mil, which is Guantanamo's Internet
| gateway server, google hits on that IP address, a traceroute through a
| satellite downlink, the whois ownership record for that downlink, links to
| the defaced Wikipedia entries, links to comments posted at news websites,
| records of approximately 140 promotions of news articles at Digg, links and
| quotes about three alleged US military propagandists who are stationed at
| Guantanamo, and fourteen links to other Wikileaks articles about Guantanamo.



Microsoft pays star writers to recite slogan

,----[ Quote ]
| The stodgy old media industry has a rule that newspaper reporters, and TV
| news hosts, shouldn't trade on their public trust to endorse products.


~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz
http://Schestowitz.com | GNU is Not UNIX | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> ____/ 7 on Saturday 15 December 2007 20:12 : \____
> > Micoshaft Asstroturfer 1.ball.willy@gmail.com flatly wrote on behalf of
> > Micoshaft Corporation:
> >
> >> And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
> >> and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
> >> religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
> >> orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
> >> So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?

> >
> >

> It's Sunday. Gary Stewart is bored and lonely. What's more, it's a cold winter
> in New York, so Gary stays at home stalking people, harassing them, and
> spreading lies about them in Usenet.
> Mind the fact that Gary Stewart only attacks me in the weekend, so he must have
> gotten himself a job (if dumpster-diving counts as one).
> ~~ Best of wishes
> Roy S. Schestowitz
> http://Schestowitz.com | Free as in Free Beer | PGP-Key: 0x745472E8E
> Load average (/proc/loadavg): 3.09 2.24 1.60 2/131 5400
> http://iuron.com - semantic search engine project initiative

Now I'm really confused? Who is Gary Stewart? Who is flatfish? Who is
Peter Kohlmann?

And is Roy Schestowitz really a female?
It certainly appears so at least according to the Google archives.

""" Things are progressing nicely after my castration surgery and I am
: finally getting used to being a woman. This is something I have
: for so long that I can't even remember the last time I thought of
: myself as a man.
: Sadly, my Linux trollings have had to be put on the rear burner
: because I am so involved with my female transformation and my
: engagement to Mark Kent.
: As you can see Microsoft is attacking me from all sides and trying
: discredit Linux just because I happen to be a little different.
: It takes balls to do what I did and I doubt anyone else in
: comp.os.linux.advocacy would have the balls to get castrated for
: Linux.
: So as I continue learning to be a woman and a good Linux advovate I
: asking for your support.
: Please link to my website in all your posts so that I can generate
: revenue via hits.
: And keep up the good work fighting the Microsoft trolls.
: BTW I have been invited to a felching party but I am not sure I know
: what felching is?
: I know it has something to do with Linux but I am not sure.
: Someone said kadaitcha man has a bunch of felchers for friends.
: Maybe I should go to the party and see what happens?
: Maybe I can pass out some Ubuntu CD's and tell people about Linux.
: Hugs and kisses Racine/Roy. """

So what is the real truth with this guy?I'm almost sorry I asked.
____/ 1.ball.willy@gmail.com on Sunday 16 December 2007 01:01 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ____/ 7 on Saturday 15 December 2007 20:12 : \____
>> > Micoshaft Asstroturfer 1.ball.willy@gmail.com flatly wrote on behalf of
>> > Micoshaft Corporation:
>> >
>> >> And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
>> >> and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
>> >> religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
>> >> orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
>> >> So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?
>> >
>> >

>> It's Sunday. Gary Stewart is bored and lonely. What's more, it's a cold
>> winter in New York, so Gary stays at home stalking people, harassing them,
>> and spreading lies about them in Usenet.
>> Mind the fact that Gary Stewart only attacks me in the weekend, so he must
>> have gotten himself a job (if dumpster-diving counts as one).
>> ~~ Best of wishes
>> Roy S. Schestowitz
>> http://Schestowitz.com | Free as in Free Beer | PGP-Key: 0x745472E8E
>> Load average (/proc/loadavg): 3.09 2.24 1.60 2/131 5400
>> http://iuron.com - semantic search engine project initiative

> Now I'm really confused? Who is Gary Stewart? Who is flatfish? Who is
> Peter Kohlmann?
> And is Roy Schestowitz really a female?
> It certainly appears so at least according to the Google archives.
> http://tinyurl.com/2t5hxo
> """ Things are progressing nicely after my castration surgery and I am
> : finally getting used to being a woman. This is something I have
> wanted
> : for so long that I can't even remember the last time I thought of
> : myself as a man.
> : Sadly, my Linux trollings have had to be put on the rear burner
> : because I am so involved with my female transformation and my
> : engagement to Mark Kent.
> :
> : As you can see Microsoft is attacking me from all sides and trying
> to
> : discredit Linux just because I happen to be a little different.
> : It takes balls to do what I did and I doubt anyone else in
> : comp.os.linux.advocacy would have the balls to get castrated for
> : Linux.
> : So as I continue learning to be a woman and a good Linux advovate I
> am
> : asking for your support.
> : Please link to my website in all your posts so that I can generate
> : revenue via hits.
> : And keep up the good work fighting the Microsoft trolls.
> :
> : BTW I have been invited to a felching party but I am not sure I know
> : what felching is?
> : I know it has something to do with Linux but I am not sure.
> : Someone said kadaitcha man has a bunch of felchers for friends.
> :
> : Maybe I should go to the party and see what happens?
> :
> : Maybe I can pass out some Ubuntu CD's and tell people about Linux.
> :
> :
> : Hugs and kisses Racine/Roy. """
> So what is the real truth with this guy?I'm almost sorry I asked.

*You* wrote that, not me. Your placements of lies in cyberspace reflects on the
sick state of whoever pays you to AstroTurf and do this smear campaign.

~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz | "Ping this IP, see if it responds the second time"
http://Schestowitz.com | Free as in Free Beer | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Cpu(s): 24.9%us, 4.2%sy, 1.0%ni, 66.2%id, 3.3%wa, 0.3%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st
http://iuron.com - semantic engine to gather information
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> ____/ 1.ball.willy@gmail.com on Sunday 16 December 2007 01:01 : \____
> >
> >
> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >> ____/ 7 on Saturday 15 December 2007 20:12 : \____
> >>
> >> > Micoshaft Asstroturfer 1.ball.willy@gmail.com flatly wrote on behalf of
> >> > Micoshaft Corporation:
> >> >
> >> >> And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
> >> >> and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
> >> >> religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
> >> >> orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
> >> >> So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> It's Sunday. Gary Stewart is bored and lonely. What's more, it's a cold
> >> winter in New York, so Gary stays at home stalking people, harassing them,
> >> and spreading lies about them in Usenet.
> >>
> >> Mind the fact that Gary Stewart only attacks me in the weekend, so he must
> >> have gotten himself a job (if dumpster-diving counts as one).
> >>
> >>
> >> ~~ Best of wishes
> >>
> >> Roy S. Schestowitz
> >> http://Schestowitz.com | Free as in Free Beer | PGP-Key: 0x745472E8E
> >> Load average (/proc/loadavg): 3.09 2.24 1.60 2/131 5400
> >> http://iuron.com - semantic search engine project initiative

> >
> > Now I'm really confused? Who is Gary Stewart? Who is flatfish? Who is
> > Peter Kohlmann?
> >
> > And is Roy Schestowitz really a female?
> > It certainly appears so at least according to the Google archives.
> >
> > http://tinyurl.com/2t5hxo
> > """ Things are progressing nicely after my castration surgery and I am
> > : finally getting used to being a woman. This is something I have
> > wanted
> > : for so long that I can't even remember the last time I thought of
> > : myself as a man.
> > : Sadly, my Linux trollings have had to be put on the rear burner
> > : because I am so involved with my female transformation and my
> > : engagement to Mark Kent.
> > :
> > : As you can see Microsoft is attacking me from all sides and trying
> > to
> > : discredit Linux just because I happen to be a little different.
> > : It takes balls to do what I did and I doubt anyone else in
> > : comp.os.linux.advocacy would have the balls to get castrated for
> > : Linux.
> > : So as I continue learning to be a woman and a good Linux advovate I
> > am
> > : asking for your support.
> > : Please link to my website in all your posts so that I can generate
> > : revenue via hits.
> > : And keep up the good work fighting the Microsoft trolls.
> > :
> > : BTW I have been invited to a felching party but I am not sure I know
> > : what felching is?
> > : I know it has something to do with Linux but I am not sure.
> > : Someone said kadaitcha man has a bunch of felchers for friends.
> > :
> > : Maybe I should go to the party and see what happens?
> > :
> > : Maybe I can pass out some Ubuntu CD's and tell people about Linux.
> > :
> > :
> > : Hugs and kisses Racine/Roy. """
> >
> > So what is the real truth with this guy?I'm almost sorry I asked.

> *You* wrote that, not me. Your placements of lies in cyberspace reflects on the
> sick state of whoever pays you to AstroTurf and do this smear campaign.
> ~~ Best of wishes
> Roy S. Schestowitz | "Ping this IP, see if it responds the second time"
> http://Schestowitz.com | Free as in Free Beer | PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
> Cpu(s): 24.9%us, 4.2%sy, 1.0%ni, 66.2%id, 3.3%wa, 0.3%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st
> http://iuron.com - semantic engine to gather information

A. I did not write that.
B. I am posting what I found googling your name.
C. You accuse others on various sites of astroturfing.
D. You seem to suffer from paranoia. It seems anyone who disagrees
with you is part of some kind of a huge conspiracy. They put people
who think like that in restraints, Roy.
E. Face it Roy, people are on to you. They have figured you out and in
effect you have worn out your welcome. Just look at the replies you
get on digg. People just don't like you because they suspect your
motives are not completely sincere.
Looking at your posting history, confirms that suspician.
So exactly what are? A dude or a dame? A nachine? Has this all been a
test of some AI software?
Prehaps a little of both?
bobbie wrote:
> On Dec 15, 11:57 am, 1.ball.wi...@gmail.com wrote:
> I didn't realize that one could edit the subject line so easily

That's because you're not the brightest bulb in the box Boobie.
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 01:21:05 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:

>____/ 1.ball.willy@gmail.com on Sunday 16 December 2007 01:01 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> ____/ 7 on Saturday 15 December 2007 20:12 : \____
>>> > Micoshaft Asstroturfer 1.ball.willy@gmail.com flatly wrote on behalf of
>>> > Micoshaft Corporation:
>>> >
>>> >> And who is funding his mission to pollute the Internet with is lies
>>> >> and conspiracy theories? This dork is obviously on some kind of a
>>> >> religious crusade to spew his Microsoft hate and Linux lies down every
>>> >> orifice of the Internet and into every nook and cranny of Usenet.
>>> >> So who is paying Roy Schestowitz?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> It's Sunday. Gary Stewart is bored and lonely. What's more, it's a cold
>>> winter in New York, so Gary stays at home stalking people, harassing them,
>>> and spreading lies about them in Usenet.
>>> Mind the fact that Gary Stewart only attacks me in the weekend, so he must
>>> have gotten himself a job (if dumpster-diving counts as one).
>>> ~~ Best of wishes
>>> Roy S. Schestowitz
>>> http://Schestowitz.com | Free as in Free Beer | PGP-Key: 0x745472E8E
>>> Load average (/proc/loadavg): 3.09 2.24 1.60 2/131 5400
>>> http://iuron.com - semantic search engine project initiative

>> Now I'm really confused? Who is Gary Stewart? Who is flatfish? Who is
>> Peter Kohlmann?
>> And is Roy Schestowitz really a female?
>> It certainly appears so at least according to the Google archives.
>> http://tinyurl.com/2t5hxo
>> """ Things are progressing nicely after my castration surgery and I am
>> : finally getting used to being a woman. This is something I have
>> wanted
>> : for so long that I can't even remember the last time I thought of
>> : myself as a man.
>> : Sadly, my Linux trollings have had to be put on the rear burner
>> : because I am so involved with my female transformation and my
>> : engagement to Mark Kent.
>> :
>> : As you can see Microsoft is attacking me from all sides and trying
>> to
>> : discredit Linux just because I happen to be a little different.
>> : It takes balls to do what I did and I doubt anyone else in
>> : comp.os.linux.advocacy would have the balls to get castrated for
>> : Linux.
>> : So as I continue learning to be a woman and a good Linux advovate I
>> am
>> : asking for your support.
>> : Please link to my website in all your posts so that I can generate
>> : revenue via hits.
>> : And keep up the good work fighting the Microsoft trolls.
>> :
>> : BTW I have been invited to a felching party but I am not sure I know
>> : what felching is?
>> : I know it has something to do with Linux but I am not sure.
>> : Someone said kadaitcha man has a bunch of felchers for friends.
>> :
>> : Maybe I should go to the party and see what happens?
>> :
>> : Maybe I can pass out some Ubuntu CD's and tell people about Linux.
>> :
>> :
>> : Hugs and kisses Racine/Roy. """
>> So what is the real truth with this guy?I'm almost sorry I asked.

>*You* wrote that, not me. Your placements of lies in cyberspace reflects on the
>sick state of whoever pays you to AstroTurf and do this smear campaign.

You're a loon.

And by the way ... Linux sucks.