which display adaptor is better

  • Thread starter Thread starter arden
  • Start date Start date


I mainly want an ecomony card like these that support 2 monitors and aero..
Im not interested that much in games.. perhaps only sims or second life, and
yes I have AGP

so which is better?




also if anyone knows if the ATI one makes a lot of noise ? because I dont
like noise.. the nvidia one has a cooler instead of a fan..

Both are, I would go with a PCIx card since it guarantees upgradability in
the future.
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"arden" <wal@zambia.co.uk> wrote in message
>I mainly want an ecomony card like these that support 2 monitors and aero..
> Im not interested that much in games.. perhaps only sims or second life,
> and yes I have AGP
> so which is better?
> ATI=
> http://www.gecube.com/products-detail.php?prod_cat_pid=9&prod_cat_id=169&prod_id=64500
> or
> http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1776106&CatId=318
> also if anyone knows if the ATI one makes a lot of noise ? because I dont
> like noise.. the nvidia one has a cooler instead of a fan..
> thanks
In article <4754519b@newsgate.x-privat.org>, arden <wal@zambia.co.uk> wrote:
>so which is better?

I've personally had much better satisfaction with Nvidia than with
ATI. I feel that their software is simply of better quality. I'll also
caution you against Tiger Direct. Their prices may be good but if you
have any trouble they'll simply tell you not to bother them and go call
the original manufacturerer. Also, their generic stuff is truly generic,
as in "who the heck made this and exactly *what* chipset is it???".

Spend a few extra bucks at Newegg.com or Directron.com and find
comfort in the fact that they accept returns as necessary.
I would strongly agree with going PCIExpress if you have the slot, and with
spending your money at Newegg. Newegg has been perfect for me for probably
6 or 7 years now.

Go to www.ncix.com or for us www.ncixus.com i command from some store and
the cheapest is ncix but when you have problem they always help you and they
give a lot of service to help the consumer....

"Destin_FL" <hightidemedia@spamfree.gmail.com> a écrit dans le message de
groupe de discussion : pz55j.18$si7.3@newsfe19.lga...
> I would strongly agree with going PCIExpress if you have the slot, and
> with spending your money at Newegg. Newegg has been perfect for me for
> probably 6 or 7 years now.
> Tim