When are Microsoft going to fix IMAP in Outlook 2013


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
It is completely borked...
Apple @me Accounts end up with folders created (This Computer Only) for no reason - all the folders that it creates for certain functions (Deleted Items/Sent Item/Junk Email) already exist in the Apple @me Account Folder Structure...they may be named differently
but that should not matter - there is ZERO reason to create these rubbish folders...
Syncing only works half the time...for example...delete an EMail from the Inbox...not in Outlook - however it remains in the IMAP folder on every other device...
Change your Subscribed Folders...not reflected in the list of folders showing under the @me Account...
This is particularly pathetic as Outlook 2010 had no such issues!
One has to wonder what complete and utter idiot decided to completely rewrite IMAP handling in Outlook and then failed to even do a half decent job of it...its not like Apple @me Accounts are unheard of...
Can someone who actually knows how to write code and test properly please fix this so I can actually use the product I paid good money for!
And fire the idiot who did such a piss poor job...and then fire the moron who hired the idiot...as well as the incompetent fools who signed off on such rubbish! And then sack the entire testing team...who clearly havent a clue as to how to write a
test case!

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