What's your favorite Tool for Malware Scanners??


Active Member
Feb 2, 2015
Hi What are some of your favorite tools for scanning for Malware. Here are 10 of Mine. No particular order! I have used all of them!!
Malwarebytes Anti Root Kit
Malwarebytes Free
ESET on line scanner
Trend Micro House House
Emsisoft Emergency Kit
Microsoft Safety Scanner
F-Secure Online Scanner!
Adwcleaner is flagging Search Everything as Malware. Any one here have that problem. Who should I notify about this FP??
Thank you!
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Adwcleaner is not flagging my Void Tools" Everything"

I would uninstall "Everything" and redownload from Major Geeks.

Hummm ! I installed over the top. Do you think that's good enough?? Still flagged as malware! I will uninstall and reinstall!
I wouldn't bother, Definately a FP.
Not every program gets it right every time.
I have had "Everything" for years.

Nod 32 doesn't pick it up nor or any other security program I scan with.
What Nod doesn't pick up isn't worth the time of day.

I am not the least bit concerned if it doesn't affect my Computer in any way.
I don't go looking for things to fix.

Adwcleaner FP's https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=129489.0
I uninstalled Search Everything with REVO and reinstalled it. Adwcleaner still flagging it. It has never done that before. I hate computers!!
I know you don't go looking for things to fix Dougie; but I do, and that really aggravates me that It's flagging Search Everything as malware.
Oh well thanks for you help Dougie! I agree a FP!
PS Does Nod have a on line scanner??What other security programs do you scan with?
Thanks mate!
All I find is necessary to scan "services "
If there is Malware it will show up under the Services scan.
It is a brilliant piece of software and has fixed problems for me many times in the past.
A must to have in your toolkit.:)
All I find is necessary to scan "services "
If there is Malware it will show up under the Services scan.
It is a brilliant piece of software and has fixed problems for me many times in the past.
A must to have in your toolkit.:)
OK thanks for that tip. Does Nod have a on line scanner?? I would like to try it! I use Adwcleaner all the time!
Nod 32 Antivirus is a paid for program made by ESET.
Because it is protecting my system 24/7 real time, it's really only necessary to scan your system say once a month.
Cindy runs Nod 32 and she swears by it like I do.
If it finds malware it will stop the infection in it's tracks and notify you instantly.
You can trial Nod32 Antivirus free Trial for 30 days.
Third one down.


First scan takes ages so be patient.
Thanks Dougie. Nod 32 is the same as ESET on line scanner. That's all I needed to know. I run ESET on line scanner all the time on seniors PC's
Wheww I think we finally got that straitened out! Yes It does take a long time to run the first scan!
Excellent on line scanner!
Nod32 is from the same maker as Eset Online scanner but it is not the same. Nevertheless it is probably the best online scanner. I probably am the one who brought NOd32 to everyone if we go back far enough and the only thing I can tell you is it does blow "hot'n'cold" in that there are times when the online warnings are outstanding and times they don't work at all so I have at times left it and then come back so keep your eyes open and the idea of blind faith is never a good strategy with Anti Malware programs.

For now I find HItman Pro to be the most comprehensive and therefore the best in my arsenal especially with the kickstart function which is the only thing that walks you through Ransomware. Then Adw Cleaner, JRT, Rogue Killer and Combofix once I know the type of Malware and in that order actually. I also use Autoruns, Shortcut Cleaner, and Toolbar Cop for cleanup afterwards. I never bother with Mbam anymore as it seldom finds much of anything unless they have the Pro version installed, then I run it as the last thing I do or a final check! I like Emsisoft Emergency but it takes way to long to run at a client and if I am ending up with an Emsisoft sale, assuming they don't already have MBam Pro which I have sold a lot of, then it is the final scan I run. If they have the yearly Mbam then I am converting them to Emsisoft when the renewal is up as I am convinced Mbam is at the end of its useful cycle.
I am staying away from Hitman Pro as it used to have an awful reputation. I think at one point in time, it was even considered a rogue program, years ago. Once bitten......

I am still remaining steadfast in my loyalty to Mbam. I'm not at all convinced as you are, Rich. I remember you felt the same way about Nod years ago and then eventually came back to it.
Hi! @Rich-M I scanned with Combofix once before I read all the warning about how it could ice your PC. Do you think that it's a little hipped up about the danger of using Combofix?? I have heard a lot of techs say they use Combofix and never had problems. I have not used it on a seniors PC yet. I like Autoruns also. I have heard it's best to scan with a Root Kit first, but I don't the reason. I start with MBAM Root Kit, then Adwcleacer, then MBAM free, then ESETon line scanner, then JRT. That usually gets the job done. Then I go looking for rouge tool bars and snake oil programs.Those tools all uninstall them selves, except MBAM. Hitman Pro is OK , but it's not free. It's free for thirty days, but there's a bit of a hassle getting the free version.
MBAM Premium has gotten a little greedy, but I have a life time license and like Cindy, I'm staying with MBAM all the way. They have made some bo bo's along the way just like all the software venders have. Everyone learns from their mistakes! I learn every day from my mistakes!
Here are 10 signs that you may be infected. I copied these from the internet!
  1. Unexpected Crashes: If you’ve ever experienced this, you probably already know the hard way that your system crashing or regularly switching to the terrifying blue screen of death is a major red flag that something is very wrong. If it’s happening to you now, immediately scan your system for infections.
  2. Slow System: If you you’re not running any resource-heavy applications on your system but it’s running slowly anyway, it may be because your system is infected with a virus.
  3. Excessive Hard Drive Activity: Similarly, if you notice a lot of hard drive activity even when your computer is idle, this is a warning sign of a potential infection.
  4. Strange Windows: If strange windows pop up during the booting process, particularly those that warn you of lost access to various drives on your system, something is wrong.
  5. Peculiar Messages: If those troubling dialogue boxes crop up when your system is running alerting you that various programs or files won’t open, this is also a bad sign.
  6. Bad Program Activity: If your programs go missing, are corrupted, or start to open themselves without your initiation, and/or if you receive notification that a program is attempting to access the Internet without your command, this is a serious warning sign that you are the victim of malware.
    If you receive notification that a program is attempting to access the Internet without your command, this is a serious warning sign that you are the victim of malware.
  7. Random Network Activity: If your router is constantly blinking indicating a high level of network activity when you aren’t running any significant programs or accessing high amounts of Internet data, something might be wrong.
  8. Erratic Email: If your emails aren’t sent, or you hear from your contacts that they’re getting strange emails from you that you did not send yourself, this is a strong indication that your system has been compromised (or that your email password has been stolen).
  9. Blacklisted IP Address: If you receive notification that your IP address has been blacklisted, consider this about as sure a sign as any that your PC is not in good hands — there’s a very good chance it means your system has been compromised and is being used as one tentacle in far-reaching, spam-sending botnet.
  10. Unexpected Antivirus Disabling: Many malware programs are designed to disable the antivirus suites that would otherwise eradicate them, so if your antivirus system is suddenly not operating this could be a sign of a much larger problem.
If you receive notification that a program is attempting to access the Internet without your command, this is a serious warning sign that you are the victim of malware.

Edit To Add Link: http://blog.kaspersky.com/signs-of-malware-infection/
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All good reasons Donateo but of course most could also mean something else is wrong.
Cindy, move on for goodness sake, Hitman Pro was never considered Malware and without it
you will never get through Ransomware as there is no other way except reformatting the hard drive. RKill will not work
as you will not be able to get into Safe Mode either so you will need to understand "kickstarter" from Hitman Pro and you can always use it free for 30 days to simply scan a system. And BTW boot to "kickstart" and no need of regsitering or giving an email to use Hitman Pro as you boot right into it. No problem at all sometimes it asks for an email addy sometimes not but ask Dan this week
if you don't believe me on Paltalk. Two extra steps to ask for free license and possibly give email address and you can run it for free scanning.

Mbam is past its prime folks get used to it programs become important and then they fade. This one is a fader! You guys all argued with me on Sas when that died and after I hosed 2 systems with Sas I was gone and how many of the rest of you are still using it may I ask?
Mbam still works but just know you are not using # 1 any more because Mbam is not what it was, imho! And in time will be as useless as SAS now is.

Eset online scanner is a great product but I see no reason to use it as all the other things I mentioned will remove just about everything
I come across and in less time. Emsisoft Emergency Kit is also a great scanner but I can be gone half way through the time it takes to complete that scan and it won't find anything different.
Hitman Pro used to scan your computer and find all manner of supposed malware and then charge you to get rid of it. It came from the dark side, Rich. They may try and make a good product now but it's difficult to forget the origin. Hitman Pro is still not very well thought of by the experts in the malware community.
I couldn't get rid of Hitman Pro quick enough after the first scan.
I researched what it found and it's garbage. IMO.
It has always been a snake oil program and still is.

How long do you spend on a badly infected computer before you suggest a reformat?:)
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"I couldn't get rid of Hitman Pro quick enough after the first scan.
I researched what it found and it's garbage. IMO.
It has always been a snake oil program and still is."

I totally disagree Dougie and I have been using it about a year now. It could be in my estimation now the best scanner out there because it is the only one other than Rogue Killer that finds Trojans and Rootkits. I really never ran across it before I had a few FBI Virus last year and I would have had to reformatted those pc's, none of which I had to do because you boot to "kickstarter" and any system will boot right into Hitman and then it's an easy 1,2,3 removal. It was the advent of Ransomware that made this such a valuable tool and if you guys don't know that, then you aren't finding the really bad Ransomware, the first of which was the FBI Virus. Originally when FBI came out you could boot to Safe Mode and then run RKill but not any more. They got smarter. I bet none of you have seen Crypto Locker either because there is no other tool to remove that because you cannot get past it or around it so when you see some of the real serious issues of today you will get it. Mbam against Cryptolocker? That's like David and Goliath so you better get enough Windows disks because when this stuff finally reaches you, you will be doing a lot of unnecessary reinstalls, believe me and wait till tyou see the fun that is Windows 8 with reinstalls. Seriously ask Dan or Gimbo Wed night. Any of you who see really serious Malware would never even try Malwarebytes any more, it is a second rate product imho.
I PM'd Pete to get in here because we need to square off this point and he can tell you about Emsisoft as well.

"How long do you spend on a badly infected computer before you suggest a reformat?:)"
I have only done that 6 times in 13 years Dougie and the answer is way too long. I pride myself on being able to clean almost any pc.
The one I gave up on 3 weeks ago was just short of 3 hours. What usually tells me is when you start cleaning no matter how bad the pc is, it will usually start to get faster as you clean and uninstall scumware. Then about 2 hours out if it starts to slow down again all of a sudden, that is usually the sign to give up cleaning and start reformatting. Most of the techs I talk to on my Linkedin Forum and Tony D can tell you that, wipe and load after a half hour. Some of the highest paid ones don't even try to clean a pc but have the "wipe and load" down to a science and do it right way and claim to never lose anything in doing so. They use Acronis Universal restore as their main tool.
They claim and are probably right that no matter how much time it takes to clean the system, a new install will always run faster so they became pros at doing that perfectly.