What the hey, I'm here


May 17, 2006
Hi, sometimes I waste a lot of time trying to solve a problem myself, sometimes I get lucky and figure it out. Once in a while I use help and actually find the answer I'm looking for. and when I'm feeling really dumb I call MSN tech support and waste an hour listening to a well meaning person read of a script that turns out to be all the things I've already tried anyway.
Anywho- hope I can find some answers here, Jim
neon_xanadu said:
Hi, sometimes I waste a lot of time trying to solve a problem myself, sometimes I get lucky and figure it out. Once in a while I use help and actually find the answer I'm looking for. and when I'm feeling really dumb I call MSN tech support and waste an hour listening to a well meaning person read of a script that turns out to be all the things I've already tried anyway.
Anywho- hope I can find some answers here, Jim

I'm also newbie.
& Just as u have lots of problems cause of NT.
Sometimes i am not smart enough solve it with my own.
So hope, i'll get many usefull informations. (maybe there i something that i can do for u).
so guys, c ya in threads. :)