What is up with Windows 8?


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have a Samsung laptop with Windows 8 I got in November (Black Friday), and ever since around February's update its slowly been having problem after problem!First, when I tried to turn it off it would just come back on. Upon googling it I found how to fix it (by unchecking that faster thing) and did.But every now and then when I turn it on it'll tell me SW Update thing crashed, every other night it crashes on my game or on my art program and to fix it I have to try and restart, but it just doesn't restart leaving me to turn off then back on and then leading
me to find it remembers none of the recent saves leading to THAT crash. Heck sometimes even when something doesn't crash if needs to restart it doesn't work!
Its driving me nuts, and now I tried to do some "Critical" windows update through the SW Update, and its been on the same thing for a few hours now and won't let me do anything with it! (screen shot: http://gyazo.com/919bac2f5d493dcacf174b707166da16 )

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