Weekly photo contest: Bugs!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Allyson Kazmucha
  • Start date Start date

Allyson Kazmucha


With spring on its way in, that can also mean a larger percentage of bugs that come out with the warmer weather. While we don't necessarily want them in our homes, they can make for some pretty awesome shots outdoors. That's your task this week, get outside and see what you can find. This is an awesome opportunity to grab an Olloclip or other kind of lens attachment if you've got one!

The contest begins today and ends Tuesday, April 29th at 6 p.m. Eastern time. Good luck!

It's also time to announce the winner of our last photo contest! And the winner is...


The above photo was taken by forum member rumpigs. The thing that drew my attention to this particular photo was the angle and composition. Without the shadow, the image just wouldn't have been the same. Editing was also done very tastefully. Congrats! We'll be contacting you shortly to collect your prize!

Now on to the details of this week's photo contest!

The prize: Olloclip for iPhone!


The winner of this week's contest will grab an Olloclip for the iPhone of your choice. In addition to letting you grab close up macro shots, the Olloclip also contains a wide-angle and fish eye lens! We know a lot of you may already have an Olloclip and if that's the case, we can sub in a $25 iTunes gift card if the winner already has one!

The rules

Submitted photos must have been taken with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

We'll check the EXIF data of the original file to verify and any edits must have been done with an iPhone or iPad app. No Photoshop, Lightroom, or other external editing programs! If you have external lens accessories such as an Olloclip or other snap-on lens, you are more than welcome to use them.

You can submit as many photos as you'd like, but remember, this is a contest, so make sure you submit your best work!


Now, before you run off to take your photo, remember that it's not technical skill alone that will claim this prize. Even if you're not the best photographer (yet!), a great eye and a great subject can still get you the win.

However, a little help can never hurt, so make sure you check out our iPhone photography series for some tips.

How to submit

Submitting your photos is easy. just head over to the iMore Photography Forum and post your photos to the official contest thread. Don't forget to state what device you have and which apps, if any, you used to edit your photo!

That's it! Now go out and shoot!




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