We have a 4G iPhone, 4G iPad - where's the 4G MacBook?

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Peter Cohen


The MacBook Air and MacBook Pro are both great devices to get work done while you're on the road, but in order to get anything done online you only have one choice: Wi-Fi. Why doesn't Apple offer 4G LTE as an option on those devices, too?

When I'm out with my laptop, I'm often within the range of a Wi-Fi network - a local Starbucks perhaps, or the public Wi-Fi hotspot of the sandwich place I'm getting lunch. But there are other occasions where I'm completely without any Wi-Fi access, or Wi-Fi costs something to use.

I'm fortunate enough to have a wireless service plan that includes a couple of gigabytes of data per month and personal hotspot service, so I usually whip out my phone in those cases, turn Personal Hotspot on and get to work.

But many people who have cellular service plans don't have that option. They may be working with a shared data plan that enables them to have up to ten devices use the same service, but unless the personal hotspot feature is active on their phone, they're stuck.

There are other options, too - even basic pay-as-you-go services offer Mi-Fi devices and their equivalent - dedicated devices designed to provide Wi-Fi access to 4G LTE coverage.

And that's great. But just like with iPhones as personal hotspots, it's another device you have to bring with you and remember to have charged up when you need it.

I'd much rather see Apple offer MacBook Airs and Retina MacBook Pros with the option of having 4G LTE built right in, rather than having to use a bulky external device or a phone.

Putting 4G in a laptop is hardly a revolutionary idea: HP has done it, so has Dell and other companies to boot. Hell, some of them even offer laptops with free (albeit very limited) data plans.

And it's not something Apple has to put in every MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, either. It can be a configure-to-order option, something only those customers who need or want it can pay extra for.

But seriously, it's 2014. And it's Apple. It's a company that prides itself on top notch design and engineering and an excellent user experience. Expecting mobile users to tether their MacBook to a 4G hotspot seems like a really ugly, inelegant solution. And "ugly" and "inelegant" are two words that I don't associate with Apple very often.

What do you think? Would you buy a 4G MacBook if it were offered? Or are you content with Wi-Fi and tethering to a personal hotspot when necessary? Let me know what you think in the comments.

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