Want Fantastical 2 for iPad for FREE? Enter to win a copy now!

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Michelle Haag


Leave a single comment below telling us why you want to win Fantastical 2 for iPad for free!​

Many of us here at iMore love Fantastical about as much as is allowed by the laws of space and time, and part of the reason is that the people behind it, Flexibits are just all shades of awesome. Case in point — They're giving away 10 promo codes for the just-released Fantastical 2 for iPad right here, right now! And all you have to do to enter is leave a comment below telling us why you need it!

You leave the comment, we'll pick 10 winners, and those winners will get the codes. What could be simpler? So hurry up, enter to win your FREE copy of Fantastical for iPad right now!

And if you absolutely can't wait for the contest to finish, or you want to grab one of the other versions, here are the App Store links for the full Fantastical suite, all well worth the money. Have at 'em!

Contest starts now and ends at 11:59pm on Friday, April 18. Usual iMore contest rules apply! Have fun and good luck!




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