Vista Vs. Ubuntu ; The Reviews

  • Thread starter Thread starter harvey
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"harvey" <> wrote in message
> Ubuntu:
> Vista:
> One costs dearly
> whilst the other is FREE !!!
> Thoughts? Comments?

For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.

For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
Malware usually is free : )

Hobbes, Tiger Extraordinaire
On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 15:02:14 -0400, "Hobbes" <>

>For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.
>For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
>Malware usually is free : )

Typical fanboy comment. You twits simply can't be objective. One
reason I LOVE to make fun of you clods. It's so easy. Is Ubuntu the
right choice for everyone? Hell no! Neither is Vista. That's the point
that sails far over the heads of the Microsoft faithful.

It is really a matter of degree. Judging by the simplistic bunch that
hang out here Ubuntu is clearly a good alternative if all you are
doing is surfing the web, email, some rudimentary tasks. Clearly Vista
can do that too. Which is after all the point. Why spends hundreds of
dollars for Vista if Ubuntu can fill your needs?

For the rest of us stuck with Vista my main gripe is you rather than
getting the promised WOW, your first impression is blah. Aero, for all
the hype Microsoft gave it is a huge disappointment. Just eye candy
fluff. Poke below the surface and you can't even tweak it in any
useful way. If you try, you're stuck falling back to Classic themes
which don't support Vista.

Yes, Vista's Search abilities have been improved, once you understand
how to use them, but again Microsoft fell flat on their face in the
implementation... a common theme often repeated.

What should be rock solid in a operating system around for over twenty
years, the all important shell, still sucks and often will give you
the moronic Explorer encountered a problem and needs to close message.
File copying for many is painfully slow compared to XP. IE7 is bug
riddled and still falls easy prey to hackers and script kiddies.

What should be Microsoft strength, how it handles multimedia is awful.
The included Media Player often sputters, stalls, refuses to play
industry standard file types. Burning a CD or DVD can causes playback
issues on earlier versions of Windows. Images imported from cameras
can end up getting corrupted. The still crude Disk Management and
Defragmenter tools are at least ten years beyond third party
alternatives. The included Paint, a mere toy incapable of doing
anything beyond the most basic tasks.

Windows Explorer may still refuse to remember how you told it to sort
files. Windows resize and reset their location on your desktop. You
icons placed on your desktop can get totally rearranged if you change
resolution or suffer certain types of system crashes.

I could go on, but I already made my point. Vista isn't polished. Many
would say it still behaves like a Beta. UAC is an insult to your
intelligence and most quickly turn it off.

The bottom line is Ubuntu is a labor of love. Just a bunch of people
working together to offer something that performs quite well and is
offered free. Vista was produced by the world's largest software
developer that supposedly has some of the best talent on the planet.
They demand hundreds of dollars per copy, refuse to listen to customer
suggestions on how to improve it, won't supply help unless you pay for
it and expect their customers to act as unpaid beta testers and never
have been able to release a stable version of Windows until after at
least one Service Pack has patched it's many flaws.

Anyone OBJECTIVELY looking at Vista at best gives it a mediocre
rating. Anyone ranking it higher simply doesn't have a clue what
they're talking about.
HeyBub kneeled before the porcelain god and vomited:
> harvey wrote:
>> Ubuntu:
>> Vista:
>> One costs dearly
>> whilst the other is FREE !!!
>> Thoughts? Comments?

> It's roughly the difference between a chorus girl and a blow-up doll.

You speak as if you know this from experience.

"...every non-modular OS SUCKS...Speaking for myself only."
- zachd [MSFT]

DRM and unintended consequences:
"HeyBub" <> wrote in message
> harvey wrote:
>> Ubuntu:
>> Vista:
>> One costs dearly
>> whilst the other is FREE !!!
>> Thoughts? Comments?

> It's roughly the difference between a chorus girl and a blow-up doll.

best comparison yet ! They both may get the job done in the end, but.......
Now, the question is why do so many (in the millions world wide?) prefer to
run pirated XP/Vista (almost free or free) versus legally free Ubuntu?
Please don't bother answering along the line 'XP/Vista users are stupid' etc


"Hobbes" <> wrote in message news:g7i57n$e21$
> "harvey" <> wrote in message
>> Ubuntu:
>> Vista:
>> One costs dearly
>> whilst the other is FREE !!!
>> Thoughts? Comments?

> For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.
> For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
> Malware usually is free : )
> --
> Hobbes, Tiger Extraordinaire
Re: Ringmaster the Group Retard

On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 14:02:02 -0700, "Bill Yanaire" <>

>Most know newsgroups such as these attract trolls. Ringmaster
>is obviously a troll, to be more precise the troll in residence
>in this newsgroup, but Ringmaster is much more than your
>garden variety troll.

Frank needs to replace you as his lap dog. All you're doing is taking
posts I wrote about him and changing a few words around. What a loser.
I've come across all kinds of fools, idiots and flat out clowns in
various newsgroups but never any so damn dumb and lazy they have to
steal other people's posts on a regular basis and put their name on
them. Pathetic!
"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 15:02:14 -0400, "Hobbes" <>
> wrote:
>>For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.
>>For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
>>Malware usually is free : )

> Typical ... RANT SNIPPED ...

Vista Works BETTER for clod.
What you think matters not one iota.
You are a loon.
You think you will convince me otherwise ?
Think again.
Then fail again.
I embarrased you be quiet fat boy.

Hobbes, Tiger Extraordinaire
On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 13:06:13 -0700, Frank <> wrote:

>Ringmaster wrote:

>> Typical fanboy comment.

>Typical, insulting response from our resident drunken lying pig.

The TRUTH really bugs you doesn't it Frank. Nothing insulting about
pointing out clueless Rubes like you are fans of Microsoft and
practically worship them while never holding them accountable for
On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 17:49:51 -0400, "Hobbes" <>

>"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 15:02:14 -0400, "Hobbes" <>
>> wrote:
>>>For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.
>>>For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
>>>Malware usually is free : )

>> Typical ... RANT SNIPPED ...

>Vista Works BETTER for clod.
>What you think matters not one iota.
>You are a loon.
>You think you will convince me otherwise ?
>Think again.
>Then fail again.
>I embarrased you be quiet fat boy.

The clod is you since you were unable to counter a single point I
made. I wasn't trying to convince you of anything. I already wrote you
off as a hopeless buffoon. You embarrassed me? Keep dreaming. That
will at least give you something to cling to.
"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 17:49:51 -0400, "Hobbes" <>
> wrote:
>>"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 15:02:14 -0400, "Hobbes" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.
>>>>For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
>>>>Malware usually is free : )
>>> Typical ... RANT SNIPPED ...

>>Vista Works BETTER for clod.
>>What you think matters not one iota.
>>You are a loon.
>>You think you will convince me otherwise ?
>>Think again.
>>Then fail again.
>>I embarrased you be quiet fat boy.

> The clod is you since you were unable to counter a single point I
> made. I wasn't trying to convince you of anything. I already wrote you
> off as a hopeless buffoon. You embarrassed me? Keep dreaming. That
> will at least give you something to cling to.

Maybe you should cling to that tiny excuse of a noodle you call a dick. I
think you need to continue drinking because you are very annoying today.
Well, you are annoying every day so what's the difference.
On Aug 8, 5:38 pm, "Phillips" <> wrote:
> Now, the question is why do so many (in the millions world wide?) prefer to
> run pirated XP/Vista (almost free or free) versus legally free Ubuntu?
> Please don't bother answering along the line 'XP/Vista users are stupid' etc
> :)
> Michael

- Possibly because they don't KNOW that Ubuntu is out there on the
net, that it's a solid " little " OS which can do a large number of
things very well..

Write documents, do spread sheets, surf the web, burn CD's Play
run Google Earth, do Photoshop" type things with GIMP.

-read in pictures from Digital Cameras use multiple browsers ( Opera
and FireFox )

- run both with multiple tabs, play music from radio stations,

do Distributed processing in back ground..

all for Free..

when offered a bootleg copy of XP or Vista..
Because they only know Microsoft..

- they won't know any better than to buy it !


> "Hobbes" <> wrote in messagenews:g7i57n$e21$
> > "harvey" <> wrote in message
> >

> >> Ubuntu:

> >>

> >> Vista:

> >>

> >> One costs dearly

> >> whilst the other is FREE !!!

> >> Thoughts? Comments?

> > For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.

> > For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
> > Malware usually is free : )

> > --
> > Hobbes, Tiger Extraordinaire
But what? Neither one is free, and I wouldn't want to wake up next to either
one. Somebody please explain the analogy to me. Which one is supposed to be
Vista and which one is Ubuntu?

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"KDE" <> wrote in message
> "HeyBub" <> wrote in message
> news:%23cAGcyY%23IHA.528@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> harvey wrote:
>>> Ubuntu:
>>> Vista:
>>> One costs dearly
>>> whilst the other is FREE !!!
>>> Thoughts? Comments?

>> It's roughly the difference between a chorus girl and a blow-up doll.

> best comparison yet ! They both may get the job done in the end,
> but.......
On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 15:30:14 -0700, Frank <> wrote:

>Ringmaster wrote:
>> On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 13:06:13 -0700, Frank <> wrote:
>>>Ringmaster wrote:

>>>>Typical fanboy comment.
>>>Typical, insulting response from our resident drunken lying pig.

>> The TRUTH really bugs you doesn't it Frank.

>You fat drunken lying pig! No one in here has ever seen anything that
>even remotely resembles the truth emanating from your stupid, pompous
>big ignorant mouth!

Really? I proved you're a pathological liar beyond any doubt. Then of
course I PROVED how screwed-up Vista is. Both really bug you
"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 18:51:41 -0400, "Hobbes" <>
> wrote:
>>"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 17:49:51 -0400, "Hobbes" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>"Ringmaster" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 15:02:14 -0400, "Hobbes" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>For overall ease of use, performance, hardware capability ... Vista.
>>>>>>For free ... ubuntu ... it's free for a reason.
>>>>>>Malware usually is free : )
>>>>> Typical ... RANT SNIPPED ...
>>>>Vista Works BETTER for clod.
>>>>What you think matters not one iota.
>>>>You are a loon.
>>>>You think you will convince me otherwise ?
>>>>Think again.
>>>>Then fail again.
>>>>I embarrased you be quiet fat boy.
>>> The clod is you since you were unable to counter a single point I
>>> made. I wasn't trying to convince you of anything. I already wrote you
>>> off as a hopeless buffoon. You embarrassed me? Keep dreaming. That
>>> will at least give you something to cling to.

>>You made no point to counter.
>>Your point was that Vista wasn't the WOW you thought you were getting.
>>Counter-point : too bad for you. It is the most stable, lock-up free OS
>>ever used.
>>You tried to psychoanalyse why businesses didn't migrate to Vista.
>>Counter-point : you were incorrect, as usual, in that simplistic ideology
>>you spout as facts.
>>If you think ubuntu is so great...use it.
>>I do sometimes.
>>But you probably can't figure out how to install it.
>>Like you can't run Vista without whining like a little girl.

> Feel better now that you claimed a phony victory?
> Amazing how many Twenty, thirty, forty and even fifty and sixty
> something men act like little boys in this newsgroup. I laugh at you
> all. <snicker>

Bet you cover your mouth and flip your hair when you <snicker>.

Your problem is mastering the tools you buy.
Vista is a tool most competent people without an agenda can easily master.

You bought the wrong tool for your IQ.

Try ubuntu .... I'll be looking for you in alt.os.linux.ubuntu for when
gparted has you confused.

Hobbes, Tiger Extraordinaire
Per Gary S. Terhune:
>But what? Neither one is free, and I wouldn't want to wake up next to either
>one. Somebody please explain the analogy to me. Which one is supposed to be
>Vista and which one is Ubuntu?

I'm not sure either.

But I suspect analogy is descended from Guy Kawasaki's (famous?)
comparison of Macintosh to Windows as being like a real woman
compared to a transvestite.

I've dabbled in Ubuntu, but for day-in-and-day-out computing in
my workplace I'll take my XP Pro boxes any day of the year.

OTOH, if the money for an OS license were a consideration and all
I wanted to do was basic home stuff like composing .rtf
documents, web browsing, email, and simple spreadsheets I think
Ubuntu would be the no-brainer. Dunno if it does photo
management, but I'd think it probably does....
all you have to do to remove the conflict is change one letter in your

the F with a W, and then it will reflect reality perfectly


"Frank" <> wrote in message
> Ringmaster wrote:
>> On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 15:30:14 -0700, Frank <> wrote:
>>>Ringmaster wrote:
>>>>On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 13:06:13 -0700, Frank <> wrote:
>>>>>Ringmaster wrote:
>>>>>>Typical fanboy comment.
>>>>>Typical, insulting response from our resident drunken lying pig.
>>>>The TRUTH really bugs you doesn't it Frank.
>>>You fat drunken lying pig! No one in here has ever seen anything that
>>>even remotely resembles the truth emanating from your stupid, pompous big
>>>ignorant mouth!

>> Really? I proved you're a pathological liar beyond any doubt.

> Only in your demented weak mind and your delusional dreams.
> You've not name one lie I've ever told nor proved it.
> Loser!
> Then of
>> course I PROVED how screwed-up Vista is.

> No, you've only proved just how stupidly incompetent you are, nothing to
> do with Vista.
> Both really bug you
>> obviously.

> We are all laughing at you, a drunken lying pig of an excuse for a human
> being!...LOL!