Vista Tutorial Video: State of the Art

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chad Harris
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Chad Harris

Master Windows Vista Just Like the Experts!



Alfredo Mooooooooo Kasey is at da bat and you're being wiretapped with Telco
Immunity passed by spinless Democrats Feinstein and Shmendrick Schumer next
week. Get used to it. Whether you are in or out of US don't matter--emails
vacuumed, health care records, bank accounts all to get you.

Erica Chabot, a spokeswoman for Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT), the committee
chairman, says that the committee is going to consider the bill in two
installments. Today it'll mark up and vote on Title I, which deals with
warrant issues, the role of the FISA Court in authorizing surveillance,
sunsetting provisions and more. But Titles II and III will be deferred until
next week -- and that's the section of the bill that concerns retroactive
legal immunity for telecommunications companies. No matter what happens
today, the full bill won't be voted out of the committee that'll be next
week, assuming the committee passes the measure.

Chabot says Leahy made the decision "to make [the markup] more manageable."
Compared to the other provisions of the bill, telecom immunity is "a much
bigger debate."

And you can dream on if you think it's not happening.