Video Driver Dilema


Dec 25, 2010
La Grande Oregon USA
Okay, go ahead and laugh now then read and laugh again.

I just wiped XP pro off of a Dell ) dimension 2400. I upgraded the processor to a
pentium 4 and the ram to 2 GB. Added a 250GB HD and a DVD burner.

Then I installed windows server 2008 enterprise 32 bit trial edition.
Laughter now is acceptable... :)

So, I was extremely suprised at how well this is acctually running this OS.

My problem herin lies...
None of the DELL graphics drivers for this board/chipset support windows server 2008.
So I am stuck with the looowww resolution settings. 600-400 blah blah...
Any Ideas on how to get a graphics driver installed so i dont have to scroll
around on every single window i open.
That is a link to the tech specs. It should be the same except for
the processor, hd, ram and drives.

Thanks in advance. james
Go to Intels site and download the Windows 7 drivers. That video device is not supported on Windows 7 or Windows 2008, but, you should get better results installing it. You could also try Windows Update while booted in Windows 2008.
Go to Intels site and download the Windows 7 drivers. That video device is not supported on Windows 7 or Windows 2008, but, you should get better results installing it. You could also try Windows Update while booted in Windows 2008.

Well... I went to Intel to find the windows 7 drivers but they are only supported back to the 900 series board, I have an 845. I also ran all my updates but didn't get anywhere there either.
I found an old ATI R9250 PCI card and put it in. Luckily there were some windows drivers in server 2008 that auto installed.
Then i went to ATI's website and downloaded the xp 32 bit setup.exe file for this card and ran it.
Luck again, it didn't install but it did extract to a folder.
Then I ran the update driver function from the hardware mananger and told it to look in the extracted folder for the drivers. Wal ah!
I have some graphics finally. I won't be gaming on this baby for sure but at least I have some resolution settings now.

But truth be told I don't think I would be able to find the drivers for this board very easily.