Video Card

  • Thread starter Thread starter William Bunch
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William Bunch

The past week for some reason Vista Home Premium prompts me to finish
installing the 8600 GTS Video Card I have tried to uninstall it and
reinstall but still prompts me every time I restart my system.
SP1 is probably offering you a video driver upgrade. There is the 'roll back
driver' option to consider, as well as a visit to the site of the driver
maker. for the 'latest and greatest' for Vista.

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Mark L. Ferguson

"William Bunch" <> wrote in message
> The past week for some reason Vista Home Premium prompts me to finish
> installing the 8600 GTS Video Card I have tried to uninstall it and
> reinstall but still prompts me every time I restart my system.
William Bunch wrote:
> The past week for some reason Vista Home Premium prompts me to finish
> installing the 8600 GTS Video Card I have tried to uninstall it and
> reinstall but still prompts me every time I restart my system.

I haven't tried it myself, so do this at your own risk.

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