VGA Signal

Hi. Thanks for the quick response.
I have no video card fitted so trying to get onboard Graphics to work.
Motherboard only has VGA outlet.

This is DDR3. I only have a spare DDR2 video card which I presume wouldn't work.
The seating is the same in the slot.
I will try a different cable now.
Do you have a system speaker installed? This would be a speaker connected to the internal header of the motherboard. If so do you hear any beeps upon boot? If not you might want to hook one up and take a listen. If no beeps are heard I would reset the BIOS via the jumper on the motherboard. Directions for this can be found in the user manual. If beeps are heard try reinstalling the CPU and RAM. I didn't see a beep directory in the user manual but maybe I missed it.
I fitted a speaker to the mother board and reset the jumpers from 1&2 to 2&3 waited 10 seconds and reset the jumpers to 1&2 again. Still no joy. No beeps.
All parts are new except the mother board which I swapped from my old computer and was working.
I rechecked the new CPU FX 6300 and reseated the new 4 GIGS corsair 1600 ram.

Thanks for all your help. Great not having to wait hours or days for help.
Going to stick around.:)
Were you using onboard video with your old computer? Is this a new power supply? New CPU? New RAM? Do you have the RAM in the slots recommended by the manufacter? It makes a difference. Do you have all power connections connected?
I was using a graphics card, the same one I am using now. The ram is 1600 which is recommended on the specs.
CPU is brand new and seated properly. New power supply 550 .
EDIT. The 24 pin and 4 pin are seated correctly.
WAIT!!! You said earlier you were using onboard video... Is there a video card installed? Meaning a separate video card not the onboard one?
Yes I tried running using onboard Video first (no card) and no signal, so I put the video card in from my old computer and still no signal.I even temp swapped the new power supply with another new power supply.Still the same.
Does it look like the motherboard decided to die just now?
Well the part that I find interesting is that it beeped when you removed the ram. Is the RAM installed in the slot closest to the CPU? Do you have the old RAM to try? And you might want to try clearing the BIOS one more time, I have seen it take a few times before it actually reset.
The ram was fitted closest to the Heatsink and tried stick of ram from other computer, Gimbo.
In desperation I hooked up my wife's monitor and still no signal. I also cleared the Bios again.
Been reading up and this motherboard doesn't support AHCI and I am using SSD's so I am going to change the motherboard for a later Asrock Motherboard that does support AHCI otherwise this computer will be slower I read.
I rang up the computer shop and they have one for $79. Also this heatsink Amd fan is screaming so will try and find an after market fan that is quieter. Has to be this motherboard decided to bow out just at the wrong time.

Let you know how I go.

Thanks so much GimboV and Allheart55 for staying with my problem I have learnt a lot. Just wish I was more Tech Savvy.:)