vbs script to export users from within a directory.

  • Thread starter Thread starter TJ_2006
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Hi there,

Below is a script i pulled off the ms tech net i am having sereous
trouble using it, it gets a error on " Set OutPutFile =
FileSystem.CreateTextFile("marketing.txt", True)", it says there is an
invaled number of arguements when there isnt, if i change the dc=lan
to anything else i get the error "a referrel from the server was
made", which is what id expect considering the fully qualified domain
is etc.lan so nothing else will work.

is this a bug im confused id appreiate it if anyone can shed some
light on this

Regards James scammell

'Global variables
Dim oContainer
Dim OutPutFile
Dim FileSystem
'Initialize global variables
Set FileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set OutPutFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile("marketing.txt", True)
'Enumerate Container
EnumerateUsers oContainer
'Clean up
Set FileSystem = Nothing
Set oContainer = Nothing
WScript.Echo "Finished"
Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont)
Dim oUser
For Each oUser In oCont
Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)
Case "user"
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.distinguishedName) Then
OutPutFile.WriteLine "dn: " & oUser.distinguishedName
End If
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.name) Then
OutPutFile.WriteLine "name: " & oUser.Get ("name")
End If
'need to do this because oUser.name would get back the Relative
Distinguished name (CN=joe)
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.st) Then
OutPutFile.WriteLine "st: " & oUser.st
End If
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.streetAddress) Then
OutPutFile.WriteLine "streetAddress: " & oUser.streetAddress
End If
Case "organizationalunit" , "container"
EnumerateUsers oUser
End Select
End Sub
The error is on the next line, where there is no space between the Set and
the oContainer.

Richard Mueller
Microsoft MVP Scripting and ADSI
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net

"TJ_2006" <James.Scammell@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi there,
> Below is a script i pulled off the ms tech net i am having sereous
> trouble using it, it gets a error on " Set OutPutFile =
> FileSystem.CreateTextFile("marketing.txt", True)", it says there is an
> invaled number of arguements when there isnt, if i change the dc=lan
> to anything else i get the error "a referrel from the server was
> made", which is what id expect considering the fully qualified domain
> is etc.lan so nothing else will work.
> is this a bug im confused id appreiate it if anyone can shed some
> light on this
> Regards James scammell
> 'Global variables
> Dim oContainer
> Dim OutPutFile
> Dim FileSystem
> 'Initialize global variables
> Set FileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set OutPutFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile("marketing.txt", True)
> SetoContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=techies,DC=etc,DC=lan")
> 'Enumerate Container
> EnumerateUsers oContainer
> 'Clean up
> OutPutFile.Close
> Set FileSystem = Nothing
> Set oContainer = Nothing
> WScript.Echo "Finished"
> WScript.Quit(0)
> Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont)
> Dim oUser
> For Each oUser In oCont
> Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)
> Case "user"
> If Not IsEmpty(oUser.distinguishedName) Then
> OutPutFile.WriteLine "dn: " & oUser.distinguishedName
> End If
> If Not IsEmpty(oUser.name) Then
> OutPutFile.WriteLine "name: " & oUser.Get ("name")
> End If
> 'need to do this because oUser.name would get back the Relative
> Distinguished name (CN=joe)
> If Not IsEmpty(oUser.st) Then
> OutPutFile.WriteLine "st: " & oUser.st
> End If
> If Not IsEmpty(oUser.streetAddress) Then
> OutPutFile.WriteLine "streetAddress: " & oUser.streetAddress
> End If
> Case "organizationalunit" , "container"
> EnumerateUsers oUser
> End Select
> OutPutFile.WriteLine
> Next
> End Sub