

Jan 4, 2004
Ledyard, CT USA
So, the demo's out, what does everyone think? I've played around a bit (read: blew off hw for a weekend to play), and it looks to be a really diverse game. You've got your classic deathmatch, in either team or single, the Onslaught mode that is almost like BF1942 (with an Unreal feel, of course), Bombing Run, which I can only describe as 'football with guns', and a bunch of other modes. Definately getting this one.
Since it came out I've spent roughly 13 hours playing it online. I can't wait til the full comes out. ONS-Torlan (onslaught map) is becoming a bit repetetive, though it's still loads of fun.
I found it amusing that Electronics Boutique sells the normal game or the special edition for the same price online ... now to find 150 hours to watch the instructional videos ...
i played it a little bit, didn't get a chance to mess with the vehicles so i don't really know how good the addition of vehicles is in the game.

i've heard many say that halo does a better job with vehicle combat, and i personally like halo's vehicles. they also claimed that the vehicles were very similar to halo's.

dunno if i'll buy or not though, i'm more into war related fps's myself.