Users Cant Login Via Remote Desktop


Jul 19, 2010
hello all.. new here and would really appreciate help.

i've been looking around the forum and havent been able to find a solution to the situation i am in

I've setup a windows server 2008 box with an active directory and remote desktop services.. the thing is when i create a new user in AD and try to log on to the server instance via RDC it says that i have to manually grant permission to the user in terminal services.. i've been at it for days and havent been able to get it to work .. users can only login if i elevate them to the admin group .. which is not a solution in my case..

my company wants me to create sandboxed environment for developers for the sake of code security and unified development.. i've considered the possible application of virtual machines but using different instances of server 2008 as development environments seems a less resource hungry approach .. so basically what i need to do is first create a group of developers who login into the server from their computers via remote desktop .. once their they would have limited rights, inside the profile. All the features which would allow the code to be transported would be disallowed.. this would include file copy, restrictions to the internet etc .. so my question is .. can i restrict user profiles? if so then please tell me how .. i also would be obliged for the solution to the first problem