USB freezes explorer for short time

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dazzign
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,

Having a problem with a brand new machine running XP Pro SP2...all latest
updates. Not sure if it's related to Anti Virus (CA Anti Virus)or Firewall
(Zone Alarm Pro) software.

Whenever I plug in a USB memory key, the dialog appears prompting me to open
and view folder (or other suitable options), but when I hit OK, explorer
freezes for a short time (10-20 secs) and then the folder will open. This
also happens if I dismiss the dialog and try to open explorer directly after
the usb key is connected....Explorer wont appear for at least 10-20 seconds.
It appears to completely freeze explorer....

Interestingly, if I have explorer open on the screen and then plug in the
USB key, I can access the files straight away !!

thanks...Any help appreciated

