updated and updates failed.now wont boot to windows.6008 error and need a tech


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
toshiba satelite....windows updated and on reboot from failed updates laptop froze with black screen with options of f2 for setup or f12 for boot menue....30 minutes later using escape and ctrl/alt/del..booted to windows...all system config now changed
no internet access and laptop now reverted to 2008 sometimes and 2013 sometimes ...services totally out of whack no sound...and boot with much coaxing takes up to an hour and sometimes not at all until battery removal and internal battery drained..ive ran
virus scan complete which took 6 hours to run and have had 2 microsoft techs remote access my laptop and on reboot have same problem of boot freeze.techs have said its a update error and it is microsofts problem and they will fix it. but after two sessions
and 5 hours of tech support my problem is now 2 hour boot time and to get a webpage up takes constant escape key pounding until I outrun the error prompt and it dissapears only to return upon next click of the key pad....my question I guess is anybody else
having these pesty little quirks with update and if so ...HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP........thankyou.

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