Update KB2807986 fails during Update


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have been trying since 14 March to complete this Update.
System Win7 Ultimate with 'IE 10 for Win 7' added, though I generally used Chrome Version 25.0.1364.172 m as default browser.I've tried Auto &amp Manual, Total of 12 Failures since.
Update correctly downloads, then Updates (it says successfully) BUT
on required Restart, Configuration works correctly on closing down, but then on start-up Configuration gets to about 35% plus/minus and Fails, and Reverts back to previous state and five minutes later tells me I need to download &amp install an Important

My security is Windows Defender &amp Emsisoft Anti-Malware and I also use Ad Muncher. I've tried disabling both, but still no success. This AM Emsisoft put through an Update to v7.0.0.21 part of which they said was to "Service
restart behaviour changed as required by Microsoft for certification."
I tried to Update KB2807986 after restarting, after that Emsisoft Update, but MS Update still failed.
Is this a generic problem?

Suggests for solution welcomed.

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