Update History is gone!


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I'm using Win 7 Pro (32 bit).

Everyday when I first boot up, the first thing I do is run Windows Update and check for new updates.

Today when I opened Windows Update, it stated that I had NEVER checked updates and that I should do so!

So I had it perform an Update and it stated that there were no new updates - which is good, however all the Update History is gone.

I upgraded to Win 7 Pro years ago, when it first came out and there's been hundreds of updates in the past. The record of them are all gone.

Not really a huge problem, as I wouldn't know what to do with this list and as long as Update states that I'm up to date I suppose it doesn't really matter. However, it's an anomaly that I thought I'd share.

The only program which I installed an update to yesterday was Windows Phone - App Preview 3, because I just bought a Windows Phone 8. I'm not sure that this was the root of the issue, but the install/upgrade was problematic, failed and needed to be re-installed
a second time.

My wife's computer, who performs a daily Update as well doesn't have this issue. I did not install the Windows Phone - App Preview 3 on her computer.


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