Unable To Safely Remove SATA Drives


Apr 20, 2009
On my XP Pro SP3 system all of my SATA drives show up in Safely Remove Hardware.

On my Server 2008 with Hyper-V none of my SATA drives show up in Safely Remove Hardware.

The XP system has one ADDONICS AESNAPMRSA SNAP-IN SATA MOBILE RACK - STORAGE ENCLOSURE. The Server system has two. These allow me to plug in or remove a SATA drive while the system is running.

On the XP system I simply select the drive in the Safely Remove Hardware window and press Stop then press OK and I can remove the drive.

The Server 2008 system does not show the SATA drives as removable. If I connect a USB drive it does show as removable.

Is this a known problem and is there a fix available?