Unable to install SP 1 after Factory Restore of 4 year old Windows Vista


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have a Dell XPS ONE and used the Factory Restore option due to several problems. The system is 4 years old and updating a 4 year old Windows Vista Home Premium system is proving to be too much for me to handle.
When I try to update Windows, I am successful on about 60 updates, but then I get to SP 1. It tells me that it is installed, but then I go to Update again and it tells me I need SP I .. I can go through the same thing indefinitely, installing SP 1 but it
still tells me that I need to install SP 1 even though it was just installed successfully. Aparently, SP 1 is not installing correctly but it is telling me that it is installed. It ISN'T!!
In the meantime, I can''t reinstall Norton Internet Security. It tells me I need SP2 for Vista.

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