Unable to install Audacity

  • Thread starter Thread starter Septinergic
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I've been an Arch user for a few months, and there I installed about everything using pacman and yaourt, so I'm quite blocked now that, on gNewSense, I'm trying to install Audacity from a deb file.
I've run this line:

dpkg -i '/home/septinergic/Scarica/audacity-data_1.3.12-6_all.deb'
And it doesn't report errors. I don't paste the rest since it's in italian, and so I don't think it could give a better image of what has happened to most of you.

Now I don't know how to go on. I don't know what other informations you need, this is the first time I install something through this way, so ask whatelse you want :) Thanks :)

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