Ubuntu - More Doomed than ever

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Yanaire
  • Start date Start date
Bill Yanaire wrote:
> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
> news:g2m7u5$re7$1@aioe.org...
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> I came acrosss this article by Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld. Just
>>> thought it is interesting about that piece of crap Ubuntu.
>>> http://weblog.infoworld.com/enterprisedesktop/archives/2008/04/ubuntu_more_doo.html

>> Just curious, Mr Sour Grapes, how much money one can make using the
>> suspend feature of a PC? BTW, XP has problems with suspend as does your
>> crappy Vista.
>> Alias

> I never use the suspend feature. When I'm done, I power down. Not a
> problem. Ubuntu is a problem.

The article you cited speaks about the suspend problem, nothing else.
How is Ubuntu a problem, other than you're too hard headed and can't
install it properly?

"Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:g2m7u5$re7$1@aioe.org...
>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>> I came acrosss this article by Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld. Just
>>>> thought it is interesting about that piece of crap Ubuntu.
>>>> http://weblog.infoworld.com/enterprisedesktop/archives/2008/04/ubuntu_more_doo.html
>>> Just curious, Mr Sour Grapes, how much money one can make using the
>>> suspend feature of a PC? BTW, XP has problems with suspend as does your
>>> crappy Vista.
>>> Alias

>> I never use the suspend feature. When I'm done, I power down. Not a
>> problem. Ubuntu is a problem.

> The article you cited speaks about the suspend problem, nothing else. How
> is Ubuntu a problem, other than you're too hard headed and can't install
> it properly?
> Alias

I think you have memory loss. I have told you time and time again that I
have installed Ubuntu and once I evaluated it, decided that Ubuntu was
useless as an OS to get any real work done.
Bill Yanaire wrote:
> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
> news:g2mcso$f1i$1@aioe.org...
>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:g2m7u5$re7$1@aioe.org...
>>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>>> I came acrosss this article by Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld. Just
>>>>> thought it is interesting about that piece of crap Ubuntu.
>>>>> http://weblog.infoworld.com/enterprisedesktop/archives/2008/04/ubuntu_more_doo.html
>>>> Just curious, Mr Sour Grapes, how much money one can make using the
>>>> suspend feature of a PC? BTW, XP has problems with suspend as does your
>>>> crappy Vista.
>>>> Alias
>>> I never use the suspend feature. When I'm done, I power down. Not a
>>> problem. Ubuntu is a problem.

>> The article you cited speaks about the suspend problem, nothing else. How
>> is Ubuntu a problem, other than you're too hard headed and can't install
>> it properly?
>> Alias

> I think you have memory loss. I have told you time and time again that I
> have installed Ubuntu and once I evaluated it, decided that Ubuntu was
> useless as an OS to get any real work done.

Yes, you have lied, over and over again. On the Ubuntu groups, you cried
all over the place about how you couldn't install Ubuntu. Besides, that
was a few Ubuntu versions ago. Hardy Heron really rocks.

"Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:g2mdk2$i52$1@aioe.org...
>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:g2mcso$f1i$1@aioe.org...
>>>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:g2m7u5$re7$1@aioe.org...
>>>>>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>>>>>> I came acrosss this article by Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld. Just
>>>>>>>> thought it is interesting about that piece of crap Ubuntu.
>>>>>>>> http://weblog.infoworld.com/enterprisedesktop/archives/2008/04/ubuntu_more_doo.html
>>>>>>> Just curious, Mr Sour Grapes, how much money one can make using the
>>>>>>> suspend feature of a PC? BTW, XP has problems with suspend as does
>>>>>>> your crappy Vista.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> I never use the suspend feature. When I'm done, I power down. Not a
>>>>>> problem. Ubuntu is a problem.
>>>>> The article you cited speaks about the suspend problem, nothing else.
>>>>> How is Ubuntu a problem, other than you're too hard headed and can't
>>>>> install it properly?
>>>>> Alias
>>>> I think you have memory loss. I have told you time and time again that
>>>> I have installed Ubuntu and once I evaluated it, decided that Ubuntu
>>>> was useless as an OS to get any real work done.
>>> Yes, you have lied, over and over again. On the Ubuntu groups, you cried
>>> all over the place about how you couldn't install Ubuntu. Besides, that
>>> was a few Ubuntu versions ago. Hardy Heron really rocks.
>>> Alias

>> Look who is lying now.

> You.
>> The install went just fine.

> A lie.
>> I never cried about installing that piece of shit Ubuntu.

> Another lie.

Go ahead and believe that. Ubuntu is just junk. I know it, and everyone
else who visits the vista group knows that Ubuntu is just a pile.

>> Never said Ubuntu was a bad install.

> No, you said you couldn't do it.

Wrong. Better get some more alcohol in your system.

>> What I said is Ubuntu is a piece of shit OS that nobody needs. Ubuntu is
>> FREE and nobody wants it. You just can't understand that FACT.

> It's your ill informed opinion, not a fact.

Wrong. It's a fact and you are ill informed.
>> Go play with Hardy Heron and while you are at it, why not go help those
>> sorry sacks who have trouble with Ubuntu. Your time would be better used
>> over there than to troll here in Vista land.

> I'm not trolling. I am making viable suggestions. THIS is trolling:

You are just blowing hot air as usual. You make no valuable suggestions. I
have a valuable suggestion: Why not take 10,000 of those useless Ubuntu
CD's and go to Nigeria and peddle them to the folks over there who can't
afford a real OS like XP or Vista.
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:48:00 +0000 (UTC), wrat@panix.com (the wharf rat) wrote:

> You're being intellectually dishonest, if using the word intellectual
>in a reference to your alleged thought process isn't fatally ironic. The
>suspend problems with that version of Linux occur only on nvidia graphics
>chipsets and persist because Nvidia refuses to release the technical
>specifications, not because the Linux developers are unable to fix them. It's
>also interesting to note that a sizable number of windows machines have serious
>issues with suspend/hibernate. Personally, I think that if actually having to
>shut down to board the plane makes your laptop unuseable to you then you'd
>be happier with an etch-a-sketch anyway, but there ya go...

I've learned one thing from my experience with Ubuntu. The Ubuntu news group
needs to do something about the 'so called experts'. I've since removed my
subscription to that news group.

I couldn't do the simplest task explained on the installation setup. Well
actually I could, but not with this HP where NO Failures is the ONLY option.
Ubuntu wanted to format something. I had a 40 gig partition already for it.
How windows defined the partition 'drive o', and how ubuntu wanted to define
the drives and partitions it saw was 180 degrees in opposition to what I know.
my 40 gigs looked like 42 to ubuntu. I figured ok that's probably right, the
only other partitions close are 10 gigs, 30 gigs, and 100+.
When I selected it and chose next page, it told me something Greek.
I passed that on to the Ubuntu group. The thread has deteriorated into a
discussion of Disney characters. Or something else just as ridiculous. With a
few replies too technical to assist anyone.

The options looked to me like ubuntu wanted to format an entire 300 gig drive,
or worse the entire 900+ gigs of all drives.

Neither one being a good option.
You want to sell Ubuntu, get it some salesmen that are serious about the
product. ie: Me and trend micro.

I could sell it better myself. Ubuntu to me looks somewhat like an Amiga clone.
It certainly performs as well as Amiga did. And it's not a bad OS. but not
supporting my TV, or rather my TV doesn't support Ubuntu, and the fact it took
an hour for the HP to repair the damage Ubuntu claimed it wouldn't do if I ran
it from the DVD are just 2 reasons that I can only see ubuntu as a safe
environment for web browsing and nothing else.

And not a realistic choice because of the 1 hour needed to swap between ubuntu
and back to Vista.

But the main drawback to returning customers to Ubuntu, is the News group
clique, one upping the other on how witty they think they're being.
more pix @ http://members.toast.net/cbminfo/index.html
"Bill Yanaire" <bill@yanaire.com> wrote in message
>I came acrosss this article by Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld. Just thought
>it is interesting about that piece of crap Ubuntu.
> http://weblog.infoworld.com/enterprisedesktop/archives/2008/04/ubuntu_more_doo.html

LOL. Another mentally handicapped MCSE (McDonalds Certified Sanitary
Engineer) decides to compare an OEM install of Vista (as that is all he can
handle) and compare it to a Ubuntu general install on weird over priced PC
with a none standard ACPI. Think that covers it.

BTW, my Vista machine, OEM configured Vista not-so-Premium goes to sleep but
will not wake up. Go figure. Solution was simple to, just turn ACPI off.

If his experience was not so myopic he would have known that.

He should go back to flipping burgers.
<keepout@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote in message
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:48:00 +0000 (UTC), wrat@panix.com (the wharf rat)

>I could sell it better myself. Ubuntu to me looks somewhat like an Amiga
>It certainly performs as well as Amiga did. And it's not a bad OS. but not
>supporting my TV, or rather my TV doesn't support Ubuntu, and the fact it
>an hour for the HP to repair the damage Ubuntu claimed it wouldn't do if I
>it from the DVD are just 2 reasons that I can only see ubuntu as a safe
>environment for web browsing and nothing else.

1) Never heard of the live CD doing harm unless it was user driven.

2) Never heard of the live CD hurting hardware

As for working with my TVs, tried it already. Works great. You probably
forgot to connect the cable or switch the inputs on the TV, LOL.
"Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>> "Alias" <iamalias@NOSPAMPLEASEgmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:g2m7u5$re7$1@aioe.org...
>>> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>>>> I came acrosss this article by Randall Kennedy at InfoWorld. Just
>>>> thought it is interesting about that piece of crap Ubuntu.
>>>> http://weblog.infoworld.com/enterprisedesktop/archives/2008/04/ubuntu_more_doo.html
>>> Just curious, Mr Sour Grapes, how much money one can make using the
>>> suspend feature of a PC? BTW, XP has problems with suspend as does your
>>> crappy Vista.
>>> Alias

>> I never use the suspend feature. When I'm done, I power down. Not a
>> problem. Ubuntu is a problem.

> The article you cited speaks about the suspend problem, nothing else. How
> is Ubuntu a problem, other than you're too hard headed and can't install
> it properly?
> Alias

Alias, you know by now many MS-Windows "gurus" get lost installing anything
in general distribution form. That is why they created a OEM CD or DVD, so
even a MS person can get it right.

Vista ACPI issues:

Lets not expect too much from Bill.