UAC & secure desktop -- Is it a hole??

  • Thread starter Thread starter krzysiek
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Hi I just found that secure desktop doesn't working as it should ( please
correct me if I'm wrong ] ) I thing that secure desktop has a hole.. If You
run priviledged application You can switch to other window using alt+tab and
UAC will be minimized
I don't think is should be like that... I didn't
tried yet, if is possible to send any messages to that window from other
application, if Yes I think it is not a small hole, becouse programs can
gives some permission to run priviledged applications..

I made small screen capute which shows that, but unfortunally when UAC works
then capturing doesn't work, so You can see only blinking icon on the task
If You want You can see it on

But better is to try it

What You think about it??


"krzysiek" wrote:

> Hi I just found that secure desktop doesn't working as it should ( please
> correct me if I'm wrong ] ) I thing that secure desktop has a hole.. If You
> run priviledged application You can switch to other window using alt+tab and
> UAC will be minimized
I don't think is should be like that...

It's a not a flaw, the UAC prompt will appear when you maximize the Window,
you can't bypass it:
"Other improvements besides prompt reduction that we’ve made to Windows
Vista RC1 are:
UAC prompts will not “steal focus†from the user’s task. If the operating
system cannot determine that the prompt was generated from the foreground
window the current user is using, we will alert the user with a highlighted
operation in the taskbar that an application is requesting elevated
privileges. The user can select to elevate at his or her convenience and not
be disrupted by an unplanned application elevation."
"krzysiek" ha scritto nel messaggio

> Hi I just found that secure desktop doesn't working as it should ( please
> correct me if I'm wrong ] ) I thing that secure desktop has a hole.. If
> You
> run priviledged application You can switch to other window using alt+tab
> and
> UAC will be minimized
I don't think is should be like that... I didn't
> tried yet, if is possible to send any messages to that window from other
> application, if Yes I think it is not a small hole, becouse programs can
> gives some permission to run priviledged applications..
> I made small screen capute which shows that, but unfortunally when UAC
> works
> then capturing doesn't work, so You can see only blinking icon on the task
> bar.
> If You want You can see it on

The video is not very clear to me.
My english is not so good and I may have missed something.
Can you explain step by step what you did? Did you disable anything from the
defaul Vista settings?
Because, in my Vista, if I log with administrator privileges and I try to
run applications that require the elevation, the "secure desktop" will work
exactly as I read it should work:
the background and desktop will became grey and inactive and the only active
window is the UAC, and even clicking on alt+tab I can't focus any other
opened program, like it seems you did on that video.