trying to choose a mother board


Mar 14, 2004
how can you tell what a motherboard can handle, EX. can i know what I want to put on a mother board and add the stuff up, so i know if the motherboard will lagg it or not?
If so what do I look at. This is what I want my motherboard to have:
an alright sount card, not top of the line though
512 or 1gb memory
cd drive
cd or dvd burner(a fast one)
regular flopy drive
pentium 4 about 3.2
i need it to be hooked to a LAN network
40 or 60gb hard drive

What do I want ofr a motherboard, and waht kind of chipset will it need, can I get a mother board w/ more than 1 AGP slot and do i want more than one, waht kind of prosscer soccet, and waht bus speed?
any help would be greatly appreciated(I barely know anything about this so i can use all the help I can get)
The motherboard itself doesn't limit the amount of add on components you can add. Off course you can only add the components if you have the slots, so in that regard I guess the motherboard does limit you some. The power supply is the main factor dictate that.

I like the Intel i875 based boards. They can take p4 533Mhz and 800Mhz processors. Most of them have sound builtin and it is quality sound at that.

You should go with 800Mhz. In fact I don't think there is a 3.2Ghz 533Mhz processor. The socket for P4s is socket 478.
Everything you listed above can be run on the i875.