troublesome pop ups

  • Thread starter Thread starter gary
  • Start date Start date


I have picked up something somewhere that is causing IE6.0 to load pops up
by the half dozen even when I am not on line or at the computer. This
happens all through the day and night. I have a current version of Adware,
Spybot and Norton Protection Center. They all say the computer is clean and
do not find anything. Fact is, it started right after I installed a
Symantec 2008 update and has been going on for about 3 years. I have IE pop
up stopper set to stop all popups. No help. I am not computer literate
enough to know what it is or how to get rid of it but it is driving me up
the wall. While I am typing this I have had to kill 5 pop ups in just a
matter of minutes. Can anyone help me out? Thanks By the way I have WinXP
Home Edition also.
"gary" <> wrote in message
>I have picked up something somewhere that is causing IE6.0 to load pops up by the
>half dozen even when I am not on line or at the computer. This happens all through
>the day and night. I have a current version of Adware, Spybot and Norton Protection
>Center. They all say the computer is clean and do not find anything. Fact is, it
>started right after I installed a Symantec 2008 update and has been going on for
>about 3 years.

You see anything odd in the last statement? It would have been more than hard
pressed to install a Sym 2008 update 3 yrs ago.

I have IE pop
> up stopper set to stop all popups. No help. I am not computer literate enough to
> know what it is or how to get rid of it but it is driving me up the wall. While I
> am typing this I have had to kill 5 pop ups in just a matter of minutes. Can
> anyone help me out? Thanks By the way I have WinXP Home Edition also.

**It is very important to run the update for each program before running the app/s
to be sure you have the latest definitions.**
Run the programs in Safe Mode after assuring you have shut down all running tasks
except explorer or systray and all apps are fully up to date.
Remove your Temp Internet files: Right click IE. Under the General tab click Delete
Files, put a check in Delete all Offline..., click OK and close when finished.
Delete all files in c:\windows\temp.

Download/run Cool Web Shredder from:

For Info on Cool Web Search variants:

Download/install/run Ad-Aware SE to detect/rid of any other parasites/spyware that
may be installed. It can be obtained free from:
After installing Ad-Aware, open it and click on the ref update to get the latest
up-to-date ref file, then run Ad-Aware and delete everything it finds.

Download/install/run Spybot - Search & Destroy:
Run it at it's default settings until you learn an know more about it. Spybot S&D
is more of an advanced users tool and changing from the default settings can be
dangerous to the novice user. Items found in the default settings that are RED can
usually be safely removed. If you are unsure of a found item, do not remove it and
ask for help.

If you still have problems, download/run HijackThis from:

Copy HJT to it's own folder, this is where the log files will be saved. Run HJT in
Normal Mode.
Do not remove anything with it until you get advice on what to remove, HJThis will
list many apps that are needed along with the bad ones. Removing items listed
hap-hazardly without knowing what they are can/will create a royal mess. Read the
quick start here on how to create a log file that can be copied/pasted into a forum
that can provide assistance on removal of unwanted pests.

Then post the logs to an appropriate forum where they specialize in
spyware/hijacker removal. Please read any sticky notes for proper posting which are
most commonly posted first at the top in each specific forum. Read any information
under each forum category name for information on what that particular one is used
for, look for the proper one that you post logs to.

After running the above and assuring you have a clean machine:
It’s also a good idea to have a HOSTS file to block bad sites, scroll to HOSTS File
Manager here:

Download/install/run SpywareBlaster which stops the bad boys before they even get a
chance to install:


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:
Use Remove-it version 16, it's fast and free. It now has over 6500
signatures to remove All variants of Rogue scanners, Desktop/Homepage
Hijackers, Trojans, Codec's, and related Malware/Spyware. New Feature,
Remove-it will now update your hosts file. This tool is designed to
Specifically remove all variants. Scan time is about 2-10 minutes. Designed
for Windows 2000/XP only.First read this page then use the email link on the bottom of
the page to receive the software.

Check my feedback and see what others have said about it


Newsgroup Trolls. Read about mine here
The list grows. Leythos the stalker, David
H. Lipman, Max M Wachtell III aka What's in a Name?, Fitz, Beauregard T.
Shagnasty,Rhonda Lea Kirk, Meat Plow, F Kwatu F, George Orwell

"gary" <> wrote in message
>I have picked up something somewhere that is causing IE6.0 to load pops up
>by the half dozen even when I am not on line or at the computer. This
>happens all through the day and night. I have a current version of Adware,
>Spybot and Norton Protection Center. They all say the computer is clean and
>do not find anything. Fact is, it started right after I installed a
>Symantec 2008 update and has been going on for about 3 years. I have IE
>pop up stopper set to stop all popups. No help. I am not computer literate
>enough to know what it is or how to get rid of it but it is driving me up
>the wall. While I am typing this I have had to kill 5 pop ups in just a
>matter of minutes. Can anyone help me out? Thanks By the way I have
>WinXP Home Edition also.
As a general rule, don't use Symantec or Norton products. There are a lot of
viruses designed to break products made by them. Also, there are a lot of
problems like that which can be fixed by updating windows and IE6. Just go to and download the updates it recommends. this is good for
the tough stuff. It is Microsoft's own highly recommended last resort for the
truly annoying spyware and viruses. If you upgrade to IE7, it gives you the
option to run a free OneCare scan every month. On my older 933MHz system it
takes 26 hrs to run though so I don't do it often. Also try going to and getting AVG Antivirus. It is free, doesn't fight with other
virus programs, and is very reliable. Just let your Symantec subscription run
out. You can get everything it offers for free elsewhere and all of the free
stuff that you really need is just as reliable. The version of
AVG is probably out of date, so you'll have to run some updates on it first,
but it is still better than trying to find the free version on grisoft's
website! lol

"gary" wrote:

> I have picked up something somewhere that is causing IE6.0 to load pops up
> by the half dozen even when I am not on line or at the computer. This
> happens all through the day and night. I have a current version of Adware,
> Spybot and Norton Protection Center. They all say the computer is clean and
> do not find anything. Fact is, it started right after I installed a
> Symantec 2008 update and has been going on for about 3 years. I have IE pop
> up stopper set to stop all popups. No help. I am not computer literate
> enough to know what it is or how to get rid of it but it is driving me up
> the wall. While I am typing this I have had to kill 5 pop ups in just a
> matter of minutes. Can anyone help me out? Thanks By the way I have WinXP
> Home Edition also.