I recently lost power to an old laptop and could not get it to power on. I
purchased a new laptop that runs Vista. I also purchased a Rocketfish
external hard drive to use in pulling the data from the old laptop and
transfering it to the new one. One of the profiles from the old laptop had a
password protection on it. When I attempt to pull the data off of that User
Profile I am faced with authentication issues. I have the password but no
way to authenticate myself and the profile contained a large amount of
information. Help would be greatly appreciated.
purchased a new laptop that runs Vista. I also purchased a Rocketfish
external hard drive to use in pulling the data from the old laptop and
transfering it to the new one. One of the profiles from the old laptop had a
password protection on it. When I attempt to pull the data off of that User
Profile I am faced with authentication issues. I have the password but no
way to authenticate myself and the profile contained a large amount of
information. Help would be greatly appreciated.