There is a connection then there isn't

  • Thread starter Thread starter OceanView
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Posting this yet again because I REALLY need a resolution, my job (first job
I've had in three years) depends on it. Please help if you can. I've never
had a PC network problem this puzzling.
When I boot the machine, everything's fine. Ping works, ipconfig reports
everthing ok, browsers work. About 10 minutes later, 'Page not found' on
both IE and Firefox...BUT...other connections still work, such as the xnews
browser I'm typing into now. Ping still works. I type the yahoo IP address
inthe browser, page not found. When this started happening is
when I installed a require VPN software to connect to my employer's network.
I've since removed it, but the problem has stayed. I'm an old software guy,
but networks baffle me. What could be happening here and how do I find it?

Two things I've tried already: pare down the system to bare minumum and
installed the TCP connection limit removal patch (I was getting a warning
about that). Ideas?
OceanView wrote:
> Posting this yet again because I REALLY need a resolution, my job (first job
> I've had in three years) depends on it. Please help if you can. I've never
> had a PC network problem this puzzling.
> -----
> When I boot the machine, everything's fine. Ping works, ipconfig reports
> everthing ok, browsers work. About 10 minutes later, 'Page not found' on
> both IE and Firefox...BUT...other connections still work, such as the xnews
> browser I'm typing into now. Ping still works. I type the yahoo IP address
> inthe browser, page not found. When this started happening is
> when I installed a require VPN software to connect to my employer's network.
> I've since removed it, but the problem has stayed. I'm an old software guy,
> but networks baffle me. What could be happening here and how do I find it?
> Two things I've tried already: pare down the system to bare minumum and
> installed the TCP connection limit removal patch (I was getting a warning
> about that). Ideas?

A few things to try:


PPPoE with ICS Requires MTU Setting Below 1492 on the ICS Clients

More on MTU settings:
Cable Modems & xDSL Speed Patches and Programs

Joe =o)