the windows experience index could not be computed could not measure video playback performance


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I just recently built a new desktop, and when trying to rate my computer I get this error: &quotthe windows experience index could not be computed could not measure video playback performance&quot
Here is my WinStat log. Does anyone see the problem, and know how to fix it?
1375046 (5960) - exelogging.cpp:0841: --- START 2013224 13:51:30 PM ---
1375046 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4659: Command Line = &quotC:Windowssystem32winsat.exe&quot formal -cancelevent 360a5141-2ffe-4bdb-9a2e-07488467c478
1375046 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4766: WinSAT registry node is created or present
1375046 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4450: INFO: The axe results path environment variable is not set. Assuming we aren't running under AXE.
1375046 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4786: INFO: Winsat is not running in AXE mode.
1375046 (5960) - exeprocesswinsaterror.cpp:0146: ERROR: tried to read resource strings, unknown exception occured
1375187 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4878: &gt IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE.
1375187 (5960) - exewatchdog.cpp:0113: WatchDogThreadProc Launched with priority 0
1375218 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4997: Watch dog system enabled
1375218 (5960) - exemain.cpp:5012: Main watch dog timer set to 600.0 seconds
1375484 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2617: &gt DWM Running.
1375484 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2624: &gt turning off DWM.
1375484 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2597: &gt EMD service will be restored on exit.
1375546 (5960) - exesyspowertools.cpp:0983: &gt Read the active power scheme as '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
1375546 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2925: &gt power policy saved.
1375703 (5960) - exesyspowertools.cpp:1015: &gt Set the active power scheme to 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c'
1375703 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2946: &gt power policy set to maximum.
1376531 (5960) - exemain.cpp:0868: &gt WinSAT info: Version=V6.2 Build-9200.16384

1376531 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1008: &gt IsOfficial=TRUE IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE RanOverTs=FALSE RanOnbatteries=FALSE
1376531 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4261: &gt Power 'execution' request successfully set.
1376531 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment features
1376562 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment dwm -aname DWM -time 10 -fbc 10 -disp off -normalw 1 -alphaw 2 -width 1280 -height 1024 -winwidth C(1144) -winheight C(915) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -nolock
1376562 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1387234 (5960) - exeprocessresults.cpp:4577: &gt Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 41340100
1387234 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2139: &gt DWM Assessment results processing SUCCESS
1387234 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1387234 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1392828 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1392828 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1398453 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1398453 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1404265 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3
1404281 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1410328 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Batch -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(10) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1410328 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1415890 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Alpha -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 300 -batchcnt C(75) -objs C(26) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1)
1415890 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1421531 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname Tex -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -texshader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(4) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta
1421531 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1427515 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname ALU -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 500 -batchcnt C(125) -objs C(20) -noalpha -alushader -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta
1427515 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1434656 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname GeomF4 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 150200241 -batchcnt C(50)C(200)C(300) -objs C(12)C(26)C(45) -noalpha -geomf4shader -texpobj
C(0) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1434656 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1442671 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname GeomV8 -time 7 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75100120 -batchcnt C(25)C(100)C(150) -objs C(8)C(17)C(29) -noalpha -geomv8shader -texpobj C(0)
-rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -tierframes 60 -tiertime 1
1442671 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1450187 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment d3d -dx10 -aname CBuffer -time 5 -fbc 10 -disp off -animate 10 -width 1280 -height 1024 -totalobj 75 -batchcnt C(25) -objs C(8) -rendertotex 6 -rtdelta 3 -texpobj C(1) -cbuffershader -cbufa 2 -cbuff
5 -cbufp 6
1450187 (5960) - d3dgraphicsop.cpp:0195: GraphicsOp::AssessmentThread Launched with priority 0
1455593 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment mfmedia -input C:WindowsPerformanceWinSATwinsat.wmv -nopmp
1455593 (5960) - mfmediamfmediaop.cpp:0508: ps_MFMediaWorkerThread Launched with priority 0
1457328 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment mediaex -input C:WindowsPerformanceWinSATClip_1080_5sec_VC1_15mbps.wmv -video offscreen -audio mute -prevent3pc -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax
150 -overrideframetype prog
1457343 (5960) - mediaexmediaexop.cpp:0853: ps_MediaExWorkerThread Launched with priority 0
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2550: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating audio decoders.
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft Dolby Digital Plus Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [177c0afe-900b-48d4-9e4c-57add250b3d4].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotGSM ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [4a76b469-7b66-4dd4-ba2d-ddf244c766dc].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMAPro over S/PDIF MFT&quot with CLSID [5210f8e4-b0bb-47c3-a8d9-7b2282cc79ed].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft MPEG Audio Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [70707b39-b2ca-4015-abea-f8447d22d88b].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMSpeech Decoder DMO&quot with CLSID [874131cb-4ecc-443b-8948-746b89595d20].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotG711 Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [92b66080-5e2d-449e-90c4-c41f268e5514].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotIMA ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [a16e1bff-a80d-48ad-aecd-a35c005685fe].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMP3 Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [bbeea841-0a63-4f52-a7ab-a9b3a84ed38a].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [ca34fe0a-5722-43ad-af23-05f7650257dd].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2552: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating audio effects.
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotAEC&quot with CLSID [745057c7-f353-4f2d-a7ee-58434477730e].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotResampler MFT&quot with CLSID [f447b69e-1884-4a7e-8055-346f74d6edb3].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2554: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating audio encoders.
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMP3 Encoder ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [11103421-354c-4cca-a7a3-1aff9a5b6701].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWM Speech Encoder DMO&quot with CLSID [1f1f4e1a-2252-4063-84bb-eee75f8856d5].
1457390 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [46a4dd5c-73f8-4304-94df-308f760974f4].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMAudio Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [70f598e9-f4ab-495a-99e2-a7c4d3d89abf].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft AAC Audio Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [93af0c51-2275-45d2-a35b-f2ba21caed00].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft Dolby Digital Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [ac3315c9-f481-45d7-826c-0b406c1f64b8].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2556: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating demuxers.
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2558: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating muxers.
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2560: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating other MFTs.
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft H264 Video Remux (MPEG2TSToMP4) MFT&quot with CLSID [05a47ebb-8bf0-4cbf-ad2f-3b71d75866f5].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2562: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating video decoders.
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [2d709e52-123f-49b5-9cbc-9af5cde28fb9].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotDV Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [404a6de5-d4d6-4260-9bc7-5a6cbd882432].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMpeg4s Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [5686a0d9-fe39-409f-9dff-3fdbc849f9f5].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMV Screen decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [7bafb3b1-d8f4-4279-9253-27da423108de].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMJPEG Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [cb17e772-e1cc-4633-8450-5617af577905].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMpeg43 Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [cba9e78b-49a3-49ea-93d4-6bcba8c4de07].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMpeg4 Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [f371728a-6052-4d47-827c-d039335dfe0a].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2564: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating video effects.
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotFrame Rate Converter&quot with CLSID [01f36ce2-0907-4d8b-979d-f151be91c883].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotResizer MFT&quot with CLSID [1ea1ea14-48f4-4054-ad1a-e8aee10ac805].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotVideoStabilization MFT&quot with CLSID [51571744-7fe4-4ff2-a498-2dc34ff74f1b].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotColor Control&quot with CLSID [798059f0-89ca-4160-b325-aeb48efe4f9a].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotColor Converter MFT&quot with CLSID [98230571-0087-4204-b020-3282538e57d3].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2566: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating video encoders.
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotH264 Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [6ca50344-051a-4ded-9779-a43305165e35].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMVideo8 Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [7e320092-596a-41b2-bbeb-175d10504eb6].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMVideo9 Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [d23b90d0-144f-46bd-841d-59e4eb19dc59].
1457406 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2568: ConstrainCodecs: Finished.
1457421 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:1252: DXVA setting is [3].
1457421 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:1262: Allow HW MFT setting is [0].
1457484 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2898: INFO: Skipping printing MFT Node with [0], as it is not a transform node.
1457484 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2898: INFO: Skipping printing MFT Node with [1], as it is not a transform node.
1457484 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2921: INFO: Print Topology MFTs: MFT found with CLSID [82d353df-90bd-4382-8bc2-3f6192b76e34].
1457484 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2276: Found known compressed type in graph: VC-1, Progressive, 29.970030 frames per second
1462328 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:0790: Custom mixer reported progressive frames.
1462890 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0556: Analyzing trace.
1462890 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0558: .. Loading perfcore and creating infosources.
1462906 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0619: .. Processing events.
1463359 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0632: .. Identifying unique video context.
1463359 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0637: .. Enumerating Direct3D engines.
1463359 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0238: .... Identified 3 engines.
1463359 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0642: .. Analyzing DXVA costs.
1463375 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0354: .... Credited 603 DMAs in 1200 DXVA function calls.
1463375 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0648: .. Analyzing EVR costs.
1463375 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0459: .... Credited 149 DMAs in 148 EVR presents.
1463375 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0653: .. Analyzing DWM costs.
1463375 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0511: .... No DWM frames in this trace.
1463375 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0658: .. Releasing infosources.
1463375 (5960) - commontraceanalysis.cpp:0661: .. Unloading perfcore.
1463375 (5960) - exemain.cpp:1853: &gt Run Assessment mediaex -input C:WindowsPerformanceWinSATClip_1080_5sec_10mbps_h264.mp4 -video offscreen -audio mute -prevent3pc -width 100%m -height 100%m -constrain -savereg -autoprofname -expfrmmin 135 -expfrmmax
150 -overrideframetype prog
1463375 (5960) - mediaexmediaexop.cpp:0853: ps_MediaExWorkerThread Launched with priority 0
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2550: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating audio decoders.
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft Dolby Digital Plus Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [177c0afe-900b-48d4-9e4c-57add250b3d4].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotGSM ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [4a76b469-7b66-4dd4-ba2d-ddf244c766dc].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMAPro over S/PDIF MFT&quot with CLSID [5210f8e4-b0bb-47c3-a8d9-7b2282cc79ed].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft MPEG Audio Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [70707b39-b2ca-4015-abea-f8447d22d88b].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMSpeech Decoder DMO&quot with CLSID [874131cb-4ecc-443b-8948-746b89595d20].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotG711 Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [92b66080-5e2d-449e-90c4-c41f268e5514].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotIMA ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [a16e1bff-a80d-48ad-aecd-a35c005685fe].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMP3 Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [bbeea841-0a63-4f52-a7ab-a9b3a84ed38a].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [ca34fe0a-5722-43ad-af23-05f7650257dd].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2552: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating audio effects.
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotAEC&quot with CLSID [745057c7-f353-4f2d-a7ee-58434477730e].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotResampler MFT&quot with CLSID [f447b69e-1884-4a7e-8055-346f74d6edb3].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2554: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating audio encoders.
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMP3 Encoder ACM Wrapper MFT&quot with CLSID [11103421-354c-4cca-a7a3-1aff9a5b6701].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWM Speech Encoder DMO&quot with CLSID [1f1f4e1a-2252-4063-84bb-eee75f8856d5].
1463437 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [46a4dd5c-73f8-4304-94df-308f760974f4].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMAudio Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [70f598e9-f4ab-495a-99e2-a7c4d3d89abf].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft AAC Audio Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [93af0c51-2275-45d2-a35b-f2ba21caed00].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft Dolby Digital Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [ac3315c9-f481-45d7-826c-0b406c1f64b8].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2556: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating demuxers.
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2558: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating muxers.
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2560: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating other MFTs.
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft H264 Video Remux (MPEG2TSToMP4) MFT&quot with CLSID [05a47ebb-8bf0-4cbf-ad2f-3b71d75866f5].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2562: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating video decoders.
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMicrosoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [2d709e52-123f-49b5-9cbc-9af5cde28fb9].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotDV Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [404a6de5-d4d6-4260-9bc7-5a6cbd882432].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMpeg4s Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [5686a0d9-fe39-409f-9dff-3fdbc849f9f5].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMV Screen decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [7bafb3b1-d8f4-4279-9253-27da423108de].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMJPEG Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [cb17e772-e1cc-4633-8450-5617af577905].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMpeg43 Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [cba9e78b-49a3-49ea-93d4-6bcba8c4de07].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotMpeg4 Decoder MFT&quot with CLSID [f371728a-6052-4d47-827c-d039335dfe0a].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2564: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating video effects.
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotFrame Rate Converter&quot with CLSID [01f36ce2-0907-4d8b-979d-f151be91c883].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotResizer MFT&quot with CLSID [1ea1ea14-48f4-4054-ad1a-e8aee10ac805].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotVideoStabilization MFT&quot with CLSID [51571744-7fe4-4ff2-a498-2dc34ff74f1b].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotColor Control&quot with CLSID [798059f0-89ca-4160-b325-aeb48efe4f9a].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotColor Converter MFT&quot with CLSID [98230571-0087-4204-b020-3282538e57d3].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2566: ConstrainCodecs: Enumerating video encoders.
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotH264 Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [6ca50344-051a-4ded-9779-a43305165e35].
1463453 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMVideo8 Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [7e320092-596a-41b2-bbeb-175d10504eb6].
1463468 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2619: ConstrainCodecs: ... Disabling transform &quotWMVideo9 Encoder MFT&quot with CLSID [d23b90d0-144f-46bd-841d-59e4eb19dc59].
1463468 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:2568: ConstrainCodecs: Finished.
1463468 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:1252: DXVA setting is [3].
1463468 (5960) - commonmfplayer.cpp:1262: Allow HW MFT setting is [0].
1463968 (5960) - commontestoutputstreams.h:0072: ERROR: Win32 exception thrown: mfplayer.cpp @ 432 (Media Foundation: resolving topology): m_pMediaSession-&gtSetTopology() failed (code 0xc004f011)
1463968 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2158: &gt mediaex Assessment FAILED due to an error
1463968 (5960) - exemain.cpp:4300: &gt Power request 'execution' successfully cleared.
1463968 (5960) - exeprocessresults.cpp:4577: &gt Wrote video memory bandwidth to the registry 41340100
1463968 (5960) - exeprocessresults.cpp:1421: Skipping HighDefPlayback limit check.
1463968 (5960) - exeprocessresults.cpp:1559: Using D3D10 subscore for final D3D score.
1463968 (5960) - exeprocesswinsaterror.cpp:0298: Unspecified error 21 occured.
1463968 (5960) - exeprocesswinsaterror.cpp:0319: Writing exit code, cant msg and why msg to registry
1464093 (5960) - exesyspowertools.cpp:1015: &gt Set the active power scheme to 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e'
1464093 (5960) - exemain.cpp:2987: &gt Power state restored.
1464093 (5960) - exemain.cpp:3002: &gt Successfully reenabled EMD.
1464203 (5960) - exemain.cpp:3028: &gt Composition restarted
1464218 (5960) - exewatchdog.cpp:0339: Watch dog system shutdown
1464218 (5960) - exemain.cpp:5341: &gt exit value = 21.

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