The COM+ Event System error

  • Thread starter Thread starter spacial99
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XP Home SP3. All updates ect installed.

Having this problem almost once a day.

Computer stops responding. Icons have no effect or return errors. Parts of some windows, such as explorer, loose their colour.

Only solution is switch off and restart.

Each time I am met with the same results in the Event Viewer. A long line of yellow triangle warnings with these in the Properties:

EventID 4356

The COM+ Event System failed to create an instance of the subscriber partition:{41E90F3E-56C1-4633-81C3-6E8BAC8BDD70}!new:{D3938AB0-5B9D-11D1-8DD2-00AA004ABD5E}. CoGetObject returned HRESULT 80070422.

Event ID 4352
The COM+ Event System attempted to fire the EventObjectChange::ChangedSubscription event but received a bad return code. HRESULT was 80040201.

I have run a number of different virus checkers, including Kaspersky's, clamwin, Spybot, Malwarebytes, Malwarebytes ROOT kit. Zone alarm.

I have upgraded every driver, using SlimDrivers.

Could really do with some decent advice on this one.

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