taking off front cover


Aug 18, 2005
I just need help removing the front cover of my old pc, the power button is stuck, anyone know how, its a pentium 3 gateway at least 5 years old, I have the sides off, but it has hard plastic hooks at bottom, some kind of hooking bit at top that I cannot see. there are no screws so at a total loss

I would very much appreciate help
If the lower hooks poke through the bottom of the case, you can try pushing them in with a screwdriver while pulling out along the bottom of the front panel. Sometimes this will let the front swing up and release the top hook. The other possibility is that there are a series of claw-like connectors along the inside of the front cover; only thing you can do with those is pull really hard. Downside is that if it's a permenantly attached face (ie plastic rivets or similar) the panel might snap.