Switching from Windows XP?

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Lobster Stamps

Okay, seeing how I can't find any generic PR email address then I guess I'll post this here.

Microsoft, after the lovely NSA stuff you pulled. Do you think anyone with a brain is going to trust you anymore? Thanks for helping the NSA get a backdoor in Windows, Skype, and Outlook/Hotmail, and Skydrive or whatever other services you sneaky guys like to help government agencies spy on. We really appreciate direct access to Skype video, voice and chat text and all of that.

And now you want us to pay you to upgrade from Windows XP, eh? I don't think so. The last store copy of Windows I bought was XP other than what has come with various computers. You've completely lost my trust and I am sure millions of others' trust as well.

Needless to say I switched to a Linux distro full time around last May. I run my legit and overpriced (at the time, $200) copy of Windows XP in a virtual machine right on Linux. Give it some time and I'll be able to emulate higher end games soon. I do run a copy of Windows 7 for some games that can't handle the virtual machine, though.

Windows 8's phone/tablet-like US and the Microsoft App Store is garbage as we all know. Though I commend you for making the boot time fast. I also enjoyed the desktop UI design and the added Explorer features. But, of course the start menu was gone but I easily replaced that with some software. You traitors should really look into working with Stardock to integrate their start menu and perhaps their program that can make your garbage apps work right on the desktop.

But, really. All of that is just some fluff. Point is. You're untrustworthy. Never mind the monopolization in the past. You helped spy on US citizens. And now you expect us to buy a new NSA backdoor riddled subpar version of Windows over a perfectly good one. You guys better rethink a few things or you're toast within the end of this decade. Thanks for being a bunch of traitors.

Not yours,

A pissed off American Citizen

PS: You'll probably delete this anyway.

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