Suggestions on basic network backup home server

  • Thread starter Thread starter ivotkl
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Hello everyone. I'm planning to create a data-encryption enabled home server. It would backup via rsync (or similar cronned script with rsync command or cp -uvRf) home directories of my work laptop (encryption is a must) and my home computer, which I use for study (encryption is not that needed).

To achieve this, I have two pieces of hardware that could be used:

1) A headless lappy (Lenovo G450 with broken monitor).

2) A Raspberry Pi Revision B (Embedded system with 512 MB RAM, 700 Mhz ARM dual core to the one I could attach a USB HDD.

If this works properly, I'd like to also enable an apache / public network multimedia server (which was the main purpose of the embedded board in the first place, just never had the time to read and implement it). Feel free to write on this related thread any suggestions involving a NAS Storage for this instead.

Thanks in advanced.

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