Suggestions for my new server


Active Member
Dec 18, 2003
Ohio, USA

I've been thinking about getting a new server for a while now and I need some suggestions on what I should get (What processor, how much RAM, ...).

I'm going to probably run Windows 2000 Server on it and use it for a few small web sites (PHP and MySQL), IRC, Mail, and as a file server (for a network of 5-10 machines).

Any suggestions would be apprechiated
If you plan of expanding in the future you would be better of getting a dual cpu box.
As a site grows it out grows the server. Better to get something better when you start instead of buying or building new servers as the site grows.
You don't have to have the latest and greatest. This site, up until yesterday, was running on a dual Xeon 550Mhz box. This site is now on a dual P3 1Ghz box, the same box ExVBF was on until I went to Dual Xeon 2.4Ghz. Before I sold the site I had moved it back to the dual p3 box, a different one that I am getting ready to sell on Ebay along with the dual 550, after some drive problems. It performed well.
I would say get your self a dual 500+ with fast scsi drives and you'll be good for a long time. It will be a cheaper alternative to a new single P4 2.4Ghz or higher HT enabled box or an AMD 64 box and will serve you well.