
  • Thread starter Thread starter Polaris
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Now that touch screens work, is it possible that Microsoft design

applications which respond to voice rather than using the mouse? Imagine

Windows and Office Suite responding to oral commands !


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Polaris wrote...

>Now that touch screens work, is it possible that Microsoft design

>applications which respond to voice rather than using the mouse? Imagine

>Windows and Office Suite responding to oral commands !

There are already many programs available which provide voice

recognition and conversion into typing, cursor and mouse pointer

movement. My own close second hand experience is with Dragon Naturally

Speaking, which my wife uses. It's not as simple as you hope it would


As for widespread voice input, life in cubicles is already pretty

horrible having to ignore coworkers phone conversations. Voice input

would be a quantum level worse. Definitely functionality for home

offices only!
Since voice command and dictation has been around for YEARS, and was

even part of Office 2003 perhaps you could share what TOUCH screen have

to do with AUDIO input?!?!?!?

Polaris wrote:

> Hi,


> Now that touch screens work, is it possible that Microsoft design

> applications which respond to voice rather than using the mouse? Imagine

> Windows and Office Suite responding to oral commands !
